Monday, March 17, 2014

Cicatricial Alopecia Symptoms and Treatments

By PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines

By the end of 2010, nearly 70 million people, only in the United States, suffering from some kind of alopecia or hair loss and globally affected exceeded the 812 million. The figures are revealing, at 40% of males age 35 they were suffering from hair loss, at 60 a 65.5 males had a visible hair loss and to 80, 70% already suffered from moderate to severe alopecia, but to women worse as it progresses the age; at 60, 80% of women suffer from some type of hair loss; of these figures, fortunately only one smaller number suffer from cicatricial alopecia, a condition, which sometimes tends to be permanent and irreversible and which we will discuss in the next article

Cicatricial alopecia What is? 

Cicatricial Alopecia, also known by the names of scarring alopecia, hair scarring or alopecia cicatrisata is the term used to refer to a group of rare disorders that usually removes the follicular root causing permanent hair loss; sometimes progresses slowly and for long periods of time passes unnoticed in others is rapid and progressive and produces severe pain, burning, and itching. The disease affects men and women of all ages and all over the planet. It is called scar because the destruction of the follicle occurs under the skin and in the majority of cases it does scar but when scarring hair loss is permanent and irreversible.

Cicatricial Alopecia Causes and Treatments

It is not even well known what the cause of cicatricial alopecia but all alopecia of this type are characterized by inflammation of the sebaceous glands and the upper part of the hair follicle stem cells. When the sebaceous glands and the stem cells are destroyed hair follicle regeneration is not possible and consequently hair loss is permanent, the disease is not associated with other ailments and is not contagious.


Since this condition produces permanent damage to choose treatments must be aggressive. When inflammation affects the cells of the hair follicle, usually the dermatologist prescribed injections and topical corticosteroid creams and  medications such as Cyclosporine, methotrexate, thalidomide may also be used. In general the oral treatments can include antibiotics, antimalarials, immuno suppressants and up to thiazolidinediones, a diabetes medicine. In this alopecia when the follicle has been destroyed and the hair may not grow again, it is possible to stimulate the follicles before irreversible damage. Signs and symptoms should be checked and the treatment can last a long time and even after you have removed the signs hair loss may continue silently.
The main goal of treatment should be reduce or eliminate inflammatory cells that destroy and attacking the hair follicle. In addition to the designated drugs may include doxycycline, mycophenolate mofetil, tacrolimus, Synalar scalp oil, etc.

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 Surgical scar alopecia treatments

When the disease has been about two years inactive, a cosmetic option can be a surgical treatment or surgery for hair restoration, which consists of obtaining healthy hair follicles from the back of the head called the donor area and transplanted them in the receiving area, or bare area. Hair transplants are common in alopecia areata, but can also be applied successfully in cases of cicatricial alopecia. It is important to note that even after the micrografts follicular alopecia can reappear.

Frequent Asked Questions for Cicatricial Alopecia

What is cicatricial alopecia or scarring alopecia?
It is a type of hair loss, really a rare disease, which destroys the hair follicle causing hair loss permanently. Men and women can be attacked by cicatricial alopecia even if they are very healthy

Who is affected by cicatricial alopecia?

Children are the least attacked by this disease, but attack equally to men and women of any age and in rare cases attacking families.

How are cicatricial alopecia diagnosed?

The first step of the dermatologist is to order a biopsy of the scalp; This test will tell the doctor the type of inflammation, severity of inflammation, location etc. The doctor will also make a clinical evaluation to assess symptoms and signs.

How should I care for my hair?

The use of appropriate products are required to meet the cicatricial alopecia... Your dermatologist should prescribe specific shampoos and products that reduce inflammation, itching and flaking indicate the frequency that should be used.

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