Thursday, October 25, 2012

Shiny hair, My Mother's Recipe

Hair Loss Treatment
Tips, tricks, Recipes and more...

Welcome to "Natural Hair Loss Solution"

I am Luis Quiroz Ravines, Peruvian journalist, specializing in Natural Health. I Myself  cured of an incurable disease and to help the poor children of my people I created many natural health products that attempt to sell online. The first is a lotion, truly a "hair loss treatment " which stops hair loss in just two weeks. You can see my photograph 4 years before and 4 years later  CLICK HERE

In the near future I hope to publish my ebooks on Amazon:

Fibromyalgia .. How I cured myself
Allergies .. How I cured myself
Enlarged prostate
- How I cured myself
Foot fungus ... How I cured myself
Constipation . How I cured myself
Vibrant health .. My 7 super natural secrets
Natural health ... My super breakfast daily

The Planet is Wonderful  
Enjoy It

                                                     Nick Coombs's- freedigitalphotos

Thought for the Day

"It is the satisfaction of doing it for yourself and motivating others to work with you in bringing it out. It is about the fun, innovation, creativity with the rewards being far greater than purely financial.” Richard Branson

Shiny hair
, My Mother's Recipe

My mother had a strong, healthy, very long and very bright hair, her friends really admired her hair. What was her secret?  Only the daily use of a homemade rinse and a rational and healthy diet.

My mother lived for 90 years, and in her time and in the small town where she lived there were not beauty products such as creams, shampoos or conditioners. Somehow the lack of modern chemicals, the most damaging to the hair, by its high PH, they forced the use of plants and natural remedies.
Her routine to care for her hair was simple, used the fruit of certain plant called "camp soap"  to wash her hair and finally a natural rinsing of Rosemary, which was a real beauty treatment, as communicating her hair an intense brightness and smoothness

                                          Meiklejohn -

 Rosemary, also called yerba compass, is a plant with blue flowers, leaves dark green and extremely fragrant and pungent flavor.

For healing, magic and gastronomical purposes Rosemary has been used since ancient times and for therapeutic purposes is used to combat colds and sinusitis and to increase circulation and improve memory.
It is also used as a treatment for hair loss and to relieve rheumatic pains.

Recipe for shiny hair

You will need

 - Fresh rosemary leaves
- Water, sufficient quantity


 - In a tank with water add the fresh rosemary leaves
- Boil 10 - 15 minutes
- Cool and strain


 Wash your hair with your usual shampoo and rinse with clean water

as final rinse, apply on the scalp the boiled water of Rosemary, do not rinse your hair after this application of Rosemary

 Your hair will be silky and shiny

If your problem is hair loss, thinning hair or damaged hair, try my homemade lotion, easy and effective, which stops hair loss in just two weeks. See my pictures 4 years before and 4 years later. click HERE

Friday, October 19, 2012

Natural Revitalizer for Dry Hair

Hair Loss Treatment

Tips, tricks, Recipes and more...

Welcome to "Natural Hair Loss Solution"

I am Luis Quiroz Ravines, Peruvian journalist, specializing in Natural Health. I Myself  cured of an incurable disease and to help the poor children of my people I created many natural health products that attempt to sell online. The first is a lotion, truly a "hair loss treatment " which stops hair loss in just two weeks. You can see my photograph 4 years before and 4 years later  CLICK HERE

In the near future I hope to publish my ebooks on Amazon:

Fibromyalgia .. How I cured myself
Allergies .. How I cured myself
Enlarged prostate
- How I cured myself
Foot fungus ... How I cured myself
Constipation . How I cured myself
Vibrant health .. My 7 super natural secrets
Natural health ... My super breakfast daily
    The Planet is Wonderful 
     Enjoy It


Thought for the Day

 “I want to define success by redefining it. For me it isn’t that solely mythical definition – glamour, allure, power of wealth, and the privilege from care. Any definition of success should be personal because it’s so transitory. It’s about shaping my own destiny.”
Anita Roddick

Natural Revitalizer for Dry Hair

 Especially women can suffer from dry, brittle, lifeless hair. The causes are multiple, but the main ones are 4: genetic cause arising from insufficiency of sebaceous secretion, other causes are dyes, bleaches, lotions too alkaline and the famous “permanent”, also thermal or mechanical factors, such as frequent or intense brushing, electric dryers, curling irons cause dry and damaged hair and naturally severe environmental pollution, can cause damage to the hair.

To solve the problem of hair dry, not only provide nutrients, but fix and allow it to penetrate deep nourishing damaged hair fiber.

 A simple homemade recipe based on olive oil and coconut oil, can help the solution of this problem, in addition could be useful as hair care


Since ancient times it has used olive oil for beautiful skin and hair, particularly cold pressing which contains high levels of essential oils and vitamin “E” to moisturize, protect and nourish the hair conveniently

Another component of this homemade recipe is coconut oil, also used since immemorial time to hair care for its antioxidant, antibacterial, and regenerative properties and its proven power to combat dandruff

 You will need

 200 ml of shampoo of your choice
1 tablespoon of coconut oil
1 tablespoon olive oil


In an appropriate tank mix thoroughly the three ingredients


 Apply to wet hair, rinse and condition with conditioner of your choice.

 This recipe can be very beneficial for dry hair with ends open and abused. A hair soft, silky, shiny and more hydrated can be the result of this simple recipe.

My own recipe, but if you really want to show off a shiny hair, strong and healthy, use daily my homemade lotion that embellishes every type of hair (men and women) and stops hair loss in just 2 weeks. Read more...


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Egg Yolk Recipe For Dry Hair

Hair Loss Treatment
                      Tips, tricks, Recipes and more...


Welcome to "Natural Hair Loss Solution"

I am Luis Quiroz Ravines, Peruvian journalist, specializing in Natural Health. I Myself  cured of an incurable disease and to help the poor children of my people I created many natural health products that attempt to sell online. The first is a lotion, truly a "hair loss treatment " which stops hair loss in just two weeks. You can see my photograph 4 years before and 4 years later  CLICK HERE

In the near future I hope to publish my ebooks on Amazon:

Fibromyalgia .. How I cured myself
Allergies .. How I cured myself
Enlarged prostate
- How I cured myself
Foot fungus ... How I cured myself
Constipation . How I cured myself
My 7 super natural secrets for Vibrant Health
My daily super breakfast

The Planet is Wonderful  
Enjoy It

Kevin Macneal   

Thought for the Day

Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.”
Jim Rohn

Egg Yolk Recipe For Dry Hair

One of the most common problems, especially in women is dry hair, less frequently in males.

According to MedlinePlus, the most common causes for dry hair are malnutrition, excessive use of dryers, underactive thyroid, nervous anorexia, syndrome of Menkes (hair does not absorb enough copper), dry air, and MedlinePlus recommended to use shampoo less frequently, about twice per week, use less dryers and too lees strong products for hair.

An easy homemade recipe, to help resolve this problem is a mixture of egg yolk and olive oil.



 As a food, yolks are a major source of vitamins and minerals. They contain all of the egg's fat and cholesterol, and about one-fifth of the protein (Wikipedia)

Olive Oil  has been used since ancient times for health and beauty, for its antioxidants properties and its contents of essential oils is valuable to health. There are numerous recipes for beauty to base olive oil, especially for hair.

From Peru I suggest this olive oil recipe may be substituted, with greater advantage, wherever available, with Peruvian Sacha inchi oil, an oil obtained by cold pressing and contains the highest amounts of essential oils :

48.60% of essential fatty acid alpha linoleic Omega 3, 36.80% of essential fatty acid Omega 6 linoleic and oleic acid 8.28 Omega 9. And has the lowest content of saturated fatty acids, 6.39% on average, 3.85% ol palmitic and stearic 2.54%

Egg Yolk Recipe For Dry Hair

You will need

 An egg yolk

½ tablespoon extra virgin (or best of Sacha Inchi) olive oil

150 ml of warm water


 Beat yolks well and mix with olive oil. Slowly add the warm water and mix well


 Apply to your hair freshly washed with shampoo, let stand for 5 minutes. Rinse with warm water and finish with your usual conditioner.

My own recipe, but if you really want to show off a shiny hair, strong and healthy, daily use my homemade lotion that embellishes every type of hair (men and women) and stops hair loss in just 2 weeks. Read more

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Recipe to Stimulate Hair Growth

Hair Los Treatment
Welcome to:

"Hair Loss Natural Solution"
I am Luis Quiroz Ravines, Peruvian journalist, specializing in Natural Health. I Myself  cured of an incurable disease and to help the poor children of my people I created many natural health products that attempt to sell online. The first is a lotion, truly a "hair loss treatment " which stops hair loss in just two weeks. You can see my photograph 4 years before and 4 years later  CLICK HERE

In the near future I hope to publish my ebooks on amazon:

Fibromyalgia .. How I Cured Myself
Allergies .. How I Cured Myself
Enlarged Prostate- How I Cured Myself
Foot Fungus ... How I Cured Myself
Constipation . How I Cured Myself
Vibrant Health .. My 7 Super Natural Secrets
Natural Health ... My Super Breakfast Daily And Other

Thought for the Day

“Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”
Winston Churchill

Recipe to Stimulate Hair Growth

Here is a simple recipe to stimulate hair growth for men and women.

The Planet is Wonderful  
Enjoy It
                                                        Evgeni Dinev  -

Sometimes the simple solutions are the most simple and effective and cheaper. If conventional treatments to restore your hair have not been successful,  try the following recipe based on castor oil and white iodine.

Ricino Oil, known as Castor Oil

This wonderful oil is known in the U.S. as castor oil and in Germany and Holland as "wonderolie" oil, is obtained from the Ricinus communis. The product is clear, odorless and very thick and contains riciniloeico acid and linoleic acids. In the United States known as castor oil and is used to stop hair loss.

White Iodine disinfect wounds, and scrapes, first aid antiseptic helps prevent infection in minor cuts, and scrapes

External use only.

White Iodine has been used externally to treat alopecia areata

imagerymajestic -  -


You will need

Castor oil
White iodine


Mix both elements


Apply only to the root of the hair and rub gently.

Wrap your head with a towel overnight, the next day, wash the hair with warm water. Rinse with your usual shampoo. Use once a week, for seven weeks or more.


My own recipe, but if you really want to show off a shiny hair, strong and healthy, use daily my homemade lotion that embellishes every type of hair (men and women) and stops hair loss in just 2 weeks. Read more...