Friday, April 29, 2011

Yeast as Hair Loss Treatment

When the hair is opaque, fragile, with divided tops, an effective hair loss treatment can be the yeast of beer. From ancient the yeast of beer has been used as a hair loss treatment.

The yeast of beer is a ferment that comes from the decomposition of the gluten that one finds in the barley and that it uses widely in the elaboration of beer.. East ferment is left to dry and is pressed so that it appears in the shape of dry snowflakes or tablets. The yeast of beer is constituted basically by proteins and vitamins of vegetable origin, it is one of the best complements to support a skin and a hair in perfect conditions. for this reason is used as a hair loss Treatment

Fhoto by Prozac1 /

The hair and the nails are composed of keratin, a protein that hardens the epidermis to protect to the organism of aggressions. In order that the keratin is formed with normality a series of nutrients are indispensable, as vitamins, minerals and sulfur amino acids

To consume yeast of beer is a good way of replacing many of the lacks that we can have through food, This is what makes this food into the perfect complement

Brewer's yeast is high in protein, consists of a particular type of cell protein released into the intestine to pass directly into the blood as amino acids the body where the enzymes become necessary for the correct functioning of the organism.

Also contributes a great contribution of vitamins, especially large amounts of vitamin B group such as folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, and thiamine pyronine.

Its contribution of minerals is also important, particularly phosphates and potassium in large quantities, as well as sulfur, magnesium and calcium needed to maintain proper organic balance.

As a hair loss Treatment, brewer's yeast brings beauty, shine and softness to the hair. If you are looking for a hair loss Treatment easy and inexpensive, try beer yeast, not only work as a hair loss Treatment, but also as a valuable nutritional supplement.

If your problem is hair loss, try my invention, a natural remedy that Stop your hair loss in only 17 days.  Know the formula CLICK HERE

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Constipation, Immediate Relief

I apply daily, with great success a little trick to promptly relieve constipation, mild to moderate. I learned from a doctor and you can also apply.

But what is constipation?

Constipation is defined when there is a rare bowel or difficulty expelling the stool.
The frequency is variable from person to person and therefore can talk about constipation if there are fewer than three bowel movements per week.


• Hard stools
• Pain in the evacuation
• Stool scanty
• Back pain
• Fatigue and tiredness
• Headaches

Constipation is most often caused by:

• Low fiber diet
• Lack of physical activity
• Not drinking enough water
• Delay to go to the bathroom when you have the urge to defecate

 Fhoto :

. Avoiding constipation altogether is easier than treating it, but involves the same steps in lifestyle:
• Eat lots of fiber
• Drink plenty of fluids each day (at least 8 glasses of water per day)
. Exercise regularly
• Go to the bathroom when you have the urge and not wait


When constipation becomes chronic, predisposes the development of
and even cancer as distributed through the bloodstream, toxins throughout the body.

For instant relief, TRY my method

You just have to be persistent and push or hit with a clenched fist in a circle as many times as necessary, please see the video and pass them to your friends

Article, courtesy of Hair Loss Natural

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Women do not expect to lose hair, so when it happens it is extraordinarily traumatic.

We normally have, on average, 100,000 hairs on our scalp. And as evinced by our changing hair lengths, roots and visits to our hairdressers, those hairs grow; in fact, 90 percent of our hair is actively growing at any given time. Hair is the second fastest growing tissue in our body  To keep its place on your head, your hair needs the right conditions.


You may find that you're unexpectedly losing hair if you impose restrictions on hair growth or if your genes are such that continued hair growth is not in your destiny.

There's a simple test you can do to help determine whether you are losing hair, it’s just thinning or you are damaging it by abusive hair products or pulling it too tight (which can occur with braiding). Pull on several strands of your hair — do they come out easily at the root? If so, it suggests that the hairs are indeed shedding and have gone into what we call an excess telogen phase.

As hair actively grows, it’s in the anagen phase. Each hair is connected to a hair shaft (or follicle), which remains in its secure position in the scalp for three to seven years before falling out and being replaced by a new follicle. Once the anagen phase naturally runs its course, there's a two-week catagen phase, in which the hair follicle dies. The hair then goes into the telogen phase for the next three months, during which time it falls out.

 Normally we lose 100 telogen hairs a day, but in certain cases (and this sounds like your situation), many, if not most, of the hairs go into the telogen phase. This causes alopecia (balding). The condition of overwhelming telogen loss is termed telogen effluvium; the anagen to telogen ratio has gone from its normal 90:10 to 70:30 or less. If I do the math correctly, this means you lose at least 300 hairs a day, compared to 100 hairs.

Some sort of stress or medication that started three months before you see the actual hair loss usually causes telogen effluvium. And there are many stresses that can lead to this condition. These include all major illnesses, especially if you're bedridden and/or have a high fever, surgery, childbirth (giving birth can be stressful, but the hair loss is also due to the body's reaction to a sudden loss of hormones after delivery), rapid weight loss, nutrition deficiencies or hemorrhage and subsequent anemia.

Hormonal changes often have a negative effect on hair. Hair loss occurs with thyroid disorders or in instances when there is a sudden cessation or change in hormones (such as stopping the birth control pill, surgical menopause, discontinuing hormone therapy and, as I stated above, after childbirth).

Then there's the hair loss effect of taking certain medications, rather than stopping them. There is a long list of drugs associated with hair loss, but here are the most common ones :

Heparin, interferon, Accutane , Altace, certain anticonvulsant drugs such as Klonopin and valproic acid
Drugs that less commonly lead to hair loss include:
Acyclovir, Lupron, Cyclosporin, certain anti-arrhythmia medications, high doses of naproxen, and antidepressants such as Paxil, Zoloft, and Effexor

You may wonder about chemotherapy drugs and their impact on hair loss. These drugs don't actually change the status of hair, because they cause hair to fall out during the anagen phase.

The good news is that hair loss associated with telogen effluvium is temporary, and usually the hair will grow back within six months of the initial hair loss trigger. That said, there are individuals in whom it takes years for full hair recovery, possibly due to ongoing hair loss triggers or subsequent triggers that added insult to hair injury.

If your problem  is hair loss, I have invented a home treatment, a mixture of 3 herbs and one mineral that has stopped my hair loss dramatically in just 17 days. See the : Hair Loss Natural

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Smoking Can Accelerate Hair Loss

Besides being the most important preventable cause of morbidity and mortality in the general population, smoking has been associated with numerous side effects upon the skin and hair loss.

Smoking destroys the hair follicles and interfere with the blood supply and hormones to the scalp and increases estrogen production

Fhoto :

The correlation between snuff and hair loss is demonstrated. This substance consumption can translate into a loss of vitality of the hair, further drying of the cuticle and, in general, greater fragility of the hair fiber.

A study in Taipei University, indicates that smoking accelerates hair loss and found that men who smoked 20 cigarettes or more had an alopecia or hair loss from moderate to severe.

The rate of consumption, the current number of cigarettes smoked and the intensity of smoking play major roles in the development of moderate or severe androgenetic alopecia, "write the authors of the study.

Androgenetic alopecia has a strong hereditary factor is the most common type of baldness in men. But, in addition to genes, this disorder is usually associated with certain environmental factors, such as smoking.

Substances from smoke cause damage to the microcirculation of the scalp hair follicles, from reaching the necessary nutrients and altering the proper training of new hair

If your problem is hair loss, I have invented a home remedy, mixture of three herbs and one mineral that has stopped my hair loss dramatically in just 17 days. See the proof at Hair Loss Natural


Friday, April 22, 2011

Fighting Your Hair Loss with Herbs

Hair loss or baldness is a common problem these days. It is, in actual, a nightmare that involves loss of hair on the scalp. The best way to treat problems related to hair fall is to know the reasons behind it and then cure them accordingly. Moreover, going natural is a great way to be sure of the treatments given and remain safe. There are many herbs that prove useful in hair loss treatment.

Some of the best alternatives to prescription hair growth treatments are herbal supplements. Herbal supplements have very minimal side effects and improve health as well as stimulate hair growth. Whether you use herbs to improve circulation, halt the process of hair loss, or block the DHT hormone, herbs are highly effective

Fhoto :

Here are the top five herbs recommended in the fight against hair growth problems.

1.Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto has been used for thousands of years and has been shown to be an effective remedy in the fight against hair growth problems. Saw Palmetto helps block the hormone DHT, therefore slowing down the rate of hair loss. Saw Palmetto may be in capsule form, added to herbal hair loss formulas, or applied in oil. Whichever method you prefer, Saw Palmetto is a valuable herb in the fight against premature balding.


Horsetail helps improve circulation and blood flow. This stimulates the hair follicles and is necessary for promoting hair growth. High in Silica, Horsetail strengthens weak hair and increases its vitality. Horsetail is often added to herbal preparations that fight pattern baldness.


Rosemary will help unclog follicles and promote hair growth. Rosemary may be added to oil and massaged in the scalp. Rosemary is also a powerful antioxidant and helps fight free radicals. It is also frequently added to herbal hair loss remedies.

4.Siberian ginseng   
ginseng is a wonderful herb that has many benefits. One of these is that it increases stimulation and improves circulation. This has helped those who are suffering from hair loss or weak and damaged hair. ginseng will also remove any toxins that may be clogging your hair follicles, slowing down or stalling new hair growth. You can choose to apply ginseng through a hair and scalp oil. You may also take Ginseng in capsule form daily. Ginseng and Saw Palmetto are the most common herbs recommended for herbal hair growth treatments.


Nettle is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is also great for promoting blood circulation and helps stimulate hair growth. Nettle has also been shown to block BPH and therefore has been highly useful in the fight against hair loss.

If your problem  is hair loss, I have invented a home treatment,  mixture of 3 herbs and one mineral that has stopped my hair fall dramatically in just 17 days. See the proof at: