Friday, November 30, 2012

Hair loss due to stress in men and women

By PC Luis Quiroz Ravines

Hair loss occurs for different reasons and one of those reasons is stress. Is there any hair loss treatment that can overcome the problem? the answer is Yes and No.
But what is stress? In a modern world of hectic progress in all fields, the majority of people suffer from some degree of stress, in some cases this stress comes to depression and suicide. Stress arises from variety of causes, from light grounds such as an unexpected debt, passing through accidents, job loss, health problems, loss of beloved relatives, etc. etc.

This abnormal mood affects your physical and mental health and often causes hair loss. A series of response mechanisms converge in stress and it really is a physiological defense of human body necessary for human survival, however, in certain circumstances, this defense mechanism can lead to serious health problems, including hair loss due to stress in men, women and children. Stress in itself is not a disease, but if it becomes chronic stress and manifests as excessive can alter a person's life and become disease
The best hair loss treatment  caused by stress, is naturally eliminate stress, which is not really simple; but you have to consider, if your hair falls by stress, must eliminate or reduce stress to prevent your hair loss and it is sure that already without stress your hair grows back.

Some ways to combat stress
The breathing exercises are very effective for reducing stress. When overwhelm you one situation, insulate yourself and breathe deeply several times, this will reduce your nervousness and will calm your stress. It demonstrated the calming effect of deep breathing on stress

To reduce your stress about five times of normal conditions, chew gum. Chewing gum in moments of tension dramatically decreases stress; so proved it a study conducted by Northwestern University, although scientists have not been able determine the factor responsible for this calming effect of nerves, perhaps the mechanical action of chewing or the taste of sugar. Additionally it seems that chewing gum improves memory temporarily

Other actions that can serve as a hair loss treatment due to stress are:

In principle a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables
Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day
Practice exercise regularly
To release endorphins and relieve stress, have at least two daily bouts of laughter.
Participate in board games, soothe the mind
Avoid concerns over lunch and hold a pleasant climate
Consume yeast of beer, complex B really, excellent for the nerves
Before going to sleep take a cup of valerian or a glass of warm
Consume fatty acids like omega 3 and if possible Peruvian sacha inchi oil containing 48% omega 3

And my personal advice, trust in God, spiritual peace relieves stress
If your problem is hair loss, don't wait for a complete baldness and ruin your image, stop hair loss in two weeks with my home treatment that really works . I'm proof see my pictures 4 years before and 4 years later.  Click HERE

Friday, November 23, 2012

Healthy Hair with Flaxseed Gel

Hair Loss Treatment

Tips, tricks, Recipes and more...


Welcome to "Natural Hair Loss Solution"

I am Luis Quiroz Ravines, Peruvian journalist, specializing in Natural Health. I Myself cured of an incurable disease and to help the poor children of my people I created many natural health products that attempt to sell online.

 The first is a lotion, truly a "hair loss treatment " which stops hair loss in just two weeks. You can see my photograph 4 years before and 4 years later  CLICK HERE

In the near future I hope to publish my ebooks on Amazon:

Fibromyalgia .. How I cured myself
Allergies .. How I cured myself
Enlarged prostate
- How I cured myself
Foot fungus ... How I cured myself
Constipation . How I cured myself
Vibrant health .. My 7 super natural secrets
Natural health ... My super breakfast daily


The Planet is Wonderful  
Enjoy It

Kevin Mcneal


Thought for the Day

 “Success: To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded!” Ralph Waldo Emerson

 Healthy Hair with FlaxSeed Gel

 Flax seed was widely used for about 9000 years to treat various ailments, from relieving constipation, reduce weight, cure gastritis and sore throat, to lower cholesterol and slow aging.
Istanbul and Chicago researchers found remains of flaxseed for 8000 years ago in tombs of Syria and Turkey

But its benefits also extend to beautify and give health to your hair, this will be consumed internally and externally.

Before the discovery of the "sacha inchi" seed of the Peruvian jungle, flaxseed was, the plant with the highest concentration of essential oil omega 3, but also flaxseed contains high amounts of soluble fiber and a good amount of acid docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acid, which promote hair growth.

To fluff hair is soaked linseed in cold water and then applies on all the hair, after dry naturally, the hair is healthy and sustained without the chemical gel hardness. Flaxseed water can be stored in the refrigerator with a few drops of lemon juice for a longer duration

Flaxseed Gel for Hair Repair

 You will need
2 tablespoons of flaxseed
2 cups water

Place in a suitable container
Boil for 7 minutes
Cool and strain

Apply the gel obtained uniformly over the entire scalp and let dry naturally, leave for 1 hour and then rinse with your regular shampoo, if you want better results you can leave it until the next day. You can save this geel in the fridge and use it the following days

My own recipe, but if you really want to show off a shiny hair, strong and healthy, use daily my homemade lotion that embellishes every type of hair (men and women) and stops hair loss in just 2 weeks. Read more...


Friday, November 16, 2012

Simple Tips for Beautiful Hair

Hair Loss Treatment

Tips, tricks, Recipes and more...

 Welcome to "Natural Hair Loss Solution"

I am Luis Quiroz Ravines, Peruvian journalist, specializing in Natural Health. I Myself  cured of an incurable disease and to help the poor children of my people I created many natural health products that attempt to sell online.

 The first is a lotion, truly a "hair loss treatment " which stops hair loss in just two weeks. You can see my photograph 4 years before and 4 years later  CLICK HERE

In the near future I hope to publish my ebooks on Amazon:

Fibromyalgia .. How I cured myself
Allergies .. How I cured myself
Enlarged prostate
- How I cured myself
Foot fungus ... How I cured myself
Constipation . How I cured myself
Vibrant health .. My 7 super natural secrets
Natural health ... My super breakfast daily

The Planet is Wonderful  
Enjoy It
Author-  zabriskie_point_

Thought for the Day       

“Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be.” George Sheehan


Simple Tips for Beautiful Hair

Look beautiful hair, it is a natural aspiration of every woman and man and it care and treatment ranges from tips and homemade recipes to expensive products promoted by the large pharmaceutical industry and particularly the care industry of hair that moves annually milion.

 Hair  is formed by a fiber of keratin and consist of a root and a stem. On the head there are about a million of hairs and some five million spread over the entire body

 The outermost layer is called cuticle and is formed by squamous cell and acts as a protective barrier against dirt and water. When cells are damaged they lose their natural shine and the ends are opened.

 Another layer formed by keratinized cells is called cortex and brings the pigment that gives hair colouring, resistance and flexibility

 Finally the marrow is the central part of the hair though very fine hair do not have this component.

 The first condition to enjoy a soft, shiny and healthy hair  is to keep a nutritious and balanced diet, this is not only good for hair but for overall health.


The daily consumption of water is essential, about 8 glasses of water a day, the absolute minimum are 6 glasses daily because hair is made up approximately 70% of water

The consumption of fruits and vegetables in sufficient quantity it is important for the quantity of vitamins they provide. Vitamin E promotes healthy hair growth, the B vitamins, especially biotin lend strength and vigor and vitamin A is important to impart shine and softness to hair

 Minerals are also important for healthy and beautiful hair. Zinc, iron, calcium, copper and cílica are indispensable; These minerals are found in chickpeas, broccoli, whole wheat bread, oatmeal, cheese, yogurt.

Neither the hair nor the general body would remain healthy if missing amino acids and proteins, so it is essential the consumption of eggs, meat, seafood, lentils, nuts, milk and dairy products, and if you can consume bee pollen and algae much better. The hair is composed of 90% protein and are essential to not lose luster hair, damaged or develop split ends

My own recipe
, but if you really want to look a shiny, strong and healthy hair, use daily my homemade lotion that embellishes every type of hair (men and women) and stops hair loss in just 2 weeks. Read more...

Friday, November 9, 2012

Avocado as a Treatment for Hair Loss

Hair Loss Treatment

Tips, tricks, Recipes and more...

Welcome to "Natural Hair Loss Solution"

 I am Luis Quiroz Ravines, Peruvian journalist, specializing in Natural Health. I Myself  cured of an incurable disease and to help the poor children of my people I created many natural health products that attempt to sell online.

 The first is a lotion, truly a "hair loss treatment " which stops hair loss in just two weeks. You can see my photograph 4 years before and 4 years later  CLICK HERE

In the near future I hope to publish my ebooks on Amazon:

Fibromyalgia .. How I cured myself
Allergies .. How I cured myself
Enlarged prostate
- How I cured myself
Foot fungus ... How I cured myself
Constipation . How I cured myself
Vibrant health .. My 7 super natural secrets
Natural health ... My super breakfast daily

The Planet is Wonderful  
Enjoy It


Thougt for the Day

"Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be" - Zig Ziglar
If your hair looks dull, fragile, weak and brittle, due to excessive heat and dyes, it is necessary to nourish it every fifteen days, at depth.

The following homemade recipe, simple and cheap will help you recover health and beauty to your hair from root to tips. the base is the “palta” also known as avocado; This fruit is an important source of necessary vitamins for hair such as vitamins A, B6, E, and C, as well as minerals and essential oils.
Every day, the avocado, is used more in cosmetics for its restorative capacity and antioxidant properties very beneficial for the skin and hair. Of the more than 500 varieties of avocado, for its creaminess, the Hass variety is best suited for hair, especially dry and damaged hair. Even now there are shampoos based on extracts of avocado
The avocado is native of Mexico and Central America and was known 7000 years before Christ. With the arrival of the Spanish, the avocado was taken to Europe and from there it spread worldwide.
The avocado acts as a powerful revitalizing and natural moisturizer for the skin and hair, especially dry hair, lifeless and dull, and is a hair treatment very cheap and in some cases with dramatic results.
 To confer to the hair, shine, smoothness and remove dandruff, the seed is crushed and mixed with castor oil, then applied to the hair and allowed to act for 20 minutes, finally rinse hair thoroughly with water, if it is possible slightly warm.
Revitalizing avocado mask
You will need
-Half of an avocado
-Egg yolk
-1 spoonful of olive oil
In a blender or mixer, beat the avocado, egg yolk and olive oil until integrate all ingredients very well.
Evenly apply the cream of avocado on the scalp, strengthening  the tips
Allow to act for 20 minutes and cover your head with a towel and if you want to apply heat with dryer
Rinse very well with your usual shampoo and water.
Repeat treatment every week or every two weeks and enjoy a soft, shiny and healthy hair
If your problem is hair loss, don't wait for a complete baldness and ruin your image, stop hair loss NOW with my home treatment that really works. I'm proof see my pictures 4 years before and 4 years later. Click HERE

Friday, November 2, 2012

Shiny Hair with Apple Cider Vinegar

Hair Loss Treatment

Tips, tricks, Recipes and more...

 Welcome to "Natural Hair Loss Solution"

I am Luis Quiroz Ravines, Peruvian journalist, specializing in Natural Health. I Myself  cured of an incurable disease and to help the poor children of my people I created many natural health products that attempt to sell online.
The first is a lotion, truly a "hair loss treatment " which stops hair loss in just two weeks. You can see my photograph 4 years before and 4 years later  CLICK HERE
In the near future I hope to publish my ebooks on Amazon:

Fibromyalgia .. How I cured myself
Allergies .. How I cured myself
Enlarged prostate
- How I cured myself
Foot fungus ... How I cured myself
Constipation . How I cured myself
Vibrant health .. My 7 super natural secrets
Natural health ... My super breakfast daily
The Planet is Wonderful
Enjoy It

Thought for the Day

“When a man feels throbbing within him the power to do what he undertakes as well as it can possibly be done, this is happiness, this is success.” Orison Swett Marden

Shiny Hair with Apple Cider Vinegar

If you want to make your hair look bright and spectacular in a simple, cheap and natural way, use daily the following homemade lotion, used since ancient times by our grandmothers.

Sometimes the most effective solutions are not the most expensive or difficult, and in the case of hair, any hair type, it is prudent to take care with harmless products that enhance health, beauty and natural looking hair.

And the following recipe will achieve these effects in just 5 minutes

Apple cider vinegar is a traditional product, not only in the kitchen, cleaning and health, but also to the beauty and skin and hair care.

  by graur razvan ionut – freedigitalphotos
 The aroma of apple cider vinegar is provided by malic acid that is generated after the process of fermentation of sugars from apple juice; apple cider vinegar is less acidic than wine vinegar. It has a pH greater and has medicinal and culinary qualities
It is particularly beneficial for the hair because it stimulates blood circulation to the follicles and eliminates viruses, bacteria and yeasts that cause dandruff and ill health of hair

In addition apple cider vinegar fights excess fat, main food of the fungus that causes dandruff, and regulates the PH of the hair to make it look more soft, shiny and healthy

Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe for Shiny Hair

You will need

 -Apple Cider vinegar
 -ot water


 -Add a cup of Apple Cider vinegar to 3 cups of hot water, mix well


Use your regular shampoo and rinse, then apply to all your hair warm apple cider vinegar lotion

 Let stand a few seconds and then rinse with plenty of water

 When dry, your hair will look healthy and shiny.
If your problem is hair loss, thinning hair or damaged hair, try my homemade lotion, easy and effective, which stops hair loss in just two weeks.See my photographs four years before and four years later. Check HERE