Thursday, September 26, 2013

How to stop hair fall With Natural Remedies

How To Stop Hair Fall With Natural Remedies

How to stop hair fall

By Luis Quiroz Ravines

How to stop hair fall ? This is a dilemma for more than 800 million men and women worldwide . Everyone looking for a quick and efficient solution and apparently it does not exist.  According to statistics 85 % of men treat their hair loss with minoxidil and 15 % of women with finasteride, both drugs have been approved by the FDA to stop and eventually grow new hair and both drugs also have some side effects, in the case minoxidil in small percentage can cause sexual dysfunction and even impotence.

But there are natural alternatives that can respond effectively to the question how to stop hair fall.

In this article we discuss some effective natural options to stop hair loss and in many cases to re growth it. Some of these natural remedies are not well known but equally effective.

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How to stop hair fall ? - First determine the causes

Before starting any treatment consult a dermatologist to determine the causes of hair loss or yourself try to find out, might be drug use, hormonal changes if you are female, heredit , poor nutrition, high stress , scalp infection, inadvertent mistreats your hair or just a result of age

How to stop hair fall with home remedies?

If you want to prevent, stop or get new hair you should be disciplined, persistent and patient to get results. Natural remedies to stop hair fall only are effective if you apply them daily for several weeks and in some cases months. Some are more effective than others but they all work.

How to stop hair fall with known home remedies

Aloe vera

One of the most ancient and most known to stop hair loss and promote its growth is the daily use of aloe vera pulp. In Latin America under the name of "sabila" applies daily pulp of plant on the scalp with gentle massage.

Saw palmetto

Widely used in North America for its ability to block production of DHT, a hormone responsible for quality of hair and widely used by herbalists to fight falling of hair of men and women. Usually take 100 milligrams of beta-sitesterol and 400 milligrams of saw palmetto extract.


This plant also has the ability to block the DHT hormone and is applied daily to the scalp in the form of liquid extract or rosemary oil . Equally useful to stop hair loss in men and

hair loss treatment

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

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Hair Loss In Women

By PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines

Persistently researchers try to find new medical options to successfully treat hair loss in women, a condition that is increasing every day and that overwhelms many women.

If a woman suspects or notice hair loss, before resorting to any remedy for hair loss available on the market, see a doctor, which in this case is the dermatologist.

Hair loss in women can be a warning sign of more as thyroid disease or hormonal abnormality, which is why the dermatologist should get early and accurate diagnosis of hair loss.

Unlike in the past, that women suffered in silence the disease and tried to conceal it at all costs, now more often women come to the clinic seeking treatment for hair loss effectively, and this is important because the more the disease is diagnosed early best.

Dr. Mary Mercurio, a dermatologist at the University of Rochester in New York, said there are few options available for the various forms of hair loss in women

He noted that the most common and easy to treat hair loss is female pattern, known as androgenetic alopecia which has a strong genetic component and that the earlier it start the more severe the hair loss, you can start even in adolescence he said

Hair Loss In Women Treatments

To treat this type of hair loss female pattern, the only drug approved by the FDA, Food and Drug Administration, the United States is 2% Minoxidil can be applied in liquid or foam. Using Minoxidil 5% is allowed only to men and although this dose of 5% has been used successfully in women, its use is limited by undesirable side effects such as increased facial hair in women.

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This medication should be used at least four months with two daily applications.

Hair Loss In Women- Alopecia Scar

Another form of hair loss is called alopecia scar, which is characterized by the formation of scar on the scalp where the hair follicle is destroyed. It comes in the form of scattered patches of hair loss associated with irritation and redness of the scalp. The cause may be an inflammatory skin disease or an autoimmune disease like lupus.

In relation to this type of hair loss in women , Dr. Mercury, said unfortunately this type of disease there is no possibility that the hair grows back again, the important thing here, he said, is to make an early diagnosis to prevent further hair

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African American Men With Early Baldness Would Be At Risk Of

African American Men With Early Baldness Would Be At Risk Of Prostate Cancer


By PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines

According to a publication of the journal Cancer Epidemiology, black American men, especially young people with early baldness, may be at increased risk of developing prostate cancer .

Baldness What Is?

Baldness is a condition more common among men than among women and refers to the lack of hair on the scalp or elsewhere in the body, affecting millions of people, particularly after 35 years, especially as with age, at age 80 affects 70% of men and 80 % of women at age 60 .

Only in the United States affects 36 million men and more than 21 million women . It is estimated that worldwide more than 800 million men and women are seeking treatment for their hair loss problem .

To treat hair loss approximately 85 % of males using minoxidil and 15% of women finasteride

Baldness Causes

The causes are various, ranging from hormonal changes in women, various diseases, genetic and family history, various injuries, hair infections, excess of vitamin A, lost very fast weight, protein and iron deficiency, and of course the age

Baldness Types

Depending of the cause, there are different types of baldness, but the main types are:

Male -pattern baldness, a condition usually inherited and can affect males partially or completely especially after 35 .

Female -pattern baldness affects women and usually thinner hair but sometimes falls rarely completely.

Alopecia areata affects a special area of ​​the scalp and hair loss is often unexpected but the hair usually grows back after several months.

Toxic alopecia may occur as a result of a severe illness or high fever episode. Is a temporary condition that can also be caused by high doses of vitamin A and retinoids

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African-American Men with Baldness and Prostate Cancer Risk

African American men are almost twice as likely to develop prostate cancer said Professor Ziegler-Johnson, who along with his colleagues have carried out a study that evaluates hair loss as a potential risk factor for developing prostate cancer.

The study group of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia selected 318 males afro Americans with prostate cancer and having varying degrees of baldness.

By means of questionnaires and various tests clinicians found that 69% of African American men with baldness had increased risk of prostate cancer, particularly those who had frontal baldness

This relationship was most evident in men under 60 years old, diagnosed with prostate cancer, especially advanced cancer.

It also emerged that young men with prostate cancer and baldness

hair loss treatment

Friday, September 20, 2013


The following is a familiar note. Today September 20, 2013, my brother John, professional painter will be honored in the city of Huaraz, Peru. All my brothers traveled for the occasion and I could not do it, so I wrote this letter, which is a personal tribute to a beloved brother who has lost his memory but always is in my heart. The following post is written in Spanish, my native language and is a familiar note that ask you  tolerate me.

Thanks for your understanding




Pc. Luis Quiroz Ravines

Mi nombres es Luis, y yo soy el hermano que no vino, que físicamente no estoy frente a Juanito, el hermano querido, a quien en este momento abrazo en silencio con devoción y emocionado amor; pero Dios sabe mis circunstancias y mis  motivaciones, y Dios sabe también el inmenso cariño que arde en mi corazón para él y para toda su familia que siempre han estado y siempre estarán en mis oraciones.

No estoy yo, pero aquí están mis hermanos, Teonila, Manuel, Jorge,  Miriam, y mi sobrina Silvia, -el ángel familiar que ha hecho posible la presencia de mis hermanos en esta ceremonia, como embajadores personales de toda una familia de hermanos, cuñados, cuñadas, sobrinos, nietos y toda la dinastía Quiroz Ravines, que a través de ellos rinden homenaje y expresan su infinito amor fraternal al hermano que aunque lejano, siempre estuvo en nuestras vidas.

Aquí están ellos para agradecer la generosidad de todos los presentes por este homenaje al ciudadano huaracino por adopción, al padre de familia ejemplar y al artista que a través de sus colores ha perennizado las luces, las sombras, las costumbres y los paisajes de esta tierra privilegiada.

Juan Gilberto Quiroz Ravines es un árbol batido por el viento, pero no vencido; es una luz tililante, pero no apagada; es un artista que ha dejado el pincel; pero su talento y su arte no morirán  porque ya están impresos en sus numerosas obras que viajan multicolores  por el  mundo.

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Paisaje Huaraz - Juan Quiroz Ravines

Juanito es una semilla que fue sembrada en tierra fértil y sus frutos han prosperado al 100 por uno, y allí están mis sobrinas Carmen Rosa, Anita y Juan Manuel, jóvenes ejemplares,  que han tomado al pie de la letra la filosofía de Og Mandino : el pasado y el presente no existen, la vida es HOY.. “hoy quiere y abraza

hair loss treatment

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Thinning Hair Women -Tips and Advice

Thinning Hair Women -Tips and Advice

Thinning Hair Women

By PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines

Apparently men have more hair problems than women, but this is not entirely true, many women due to the excessive use of irons, dryers hair, dyes, chemicals, tight braids and other causes, abuse and lose your hair, one of these consequences is Thinning Hair Women

Thinning Hair Women - Cause

The causes for hair loss or thinning hair women are diverse, from inadequate nutrition , up to genetic causes. Actually there are 30 factors that can lead to hair loss or thinning hair .

Thyroid Problems

The thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck secretes hormones that regulate hair growth cycle and when the balance of hormone production is not suitable problems stem hair loss, thinning hair, obesity, altered rhythm heart or sensitivity to heat or cold.

Extreme stress

When a person faces intense  stress caused by serious illness, surgery, severe emotional disturbances etc. can cause hair loss and dull hair, weak and thin.

Alopecia areata

This is a cause that affects the immune system healthy hair follicles and causes hair loss in patches, which fortunately, in most cases are not permanent, the hair grows between 7-12 months.


This is a contagious disease that originates hair fall into patterns of round shape and should be treated as soon as possible with the use of antifungal medications to kill the fungi.

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Thinning Hair Women - Advice

The Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) has approved 2% Minoxidil solution for dealing with women with thinning hair or  hair loss caused by female pattern . Daily use of this product is moderately effective in 50% of women after 33 weeks of daily application. To build volume is applied to the root.

If thinning hair women is caused by alopecia areata , corticosteroids are applied to the scalp and if the problem is caused by poor nutrition, change to proper nutrition is the solution .

Other treatments may include laser treatments apparatus of 2-4 months, which emit low-intensity laser light to promote hair growth and gain volume .

If the problem is severe hair loss, women can also go to transplant hair in the affected areas, but this procedure is expensive and slightly painful.

Thinning Hair Women Tips

The stylist may recommend special products for fine hair, which contain keratin and are applied to the root of the hair and the dryer is gently used to create volume.

Repeated frequently dyes can weaken and damage your hair and cause

hair loss treatment

Friday, September 6, 2013

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By PC.Luis Quiroz Ravines

Hair Implants

Mainly men as it progresses the age, face the problem of hair loss. In the cycle of growth and rest of the hair, it is normal to lose every day about 100 to 150 hairs but when that average increases rapidly, the males are facing a picture of alopecia and perhaps even baldness.

If your problem is hair loss, you try everything offered by the market , from anti hair loss shampoos, finasteride , minoxidil , to natural products and better nutrition.

But if all else fails , your alopecia is pronounced, is a cosmetic problem for you and have the money , hair implants may be the solution to your problem.

Hair implants and Hair transplants

It is not the same hair implants or transplant surgery.

Hair implants are insertion of artificial hair under the scalp using mild anesthesia and if this is done properly, in the majority of cases the results are satisfactory.

The procedure is quick, simple and ambulatory and the results can be seen immediately and if necessary you can insert a lot of hair. It applies to men and women of any age but mainly in cases of thin and medium baldness.

On the other hand, transplants or hair transplants surgery involves grafting hair, from bulbs usually of the neck, the area more strong and healthy scalp. The results are generally good, but results are not immediate and they can be appreciated between 9 and 12 months. It is a procedure more painful and invasive than hair implants

Transplant surgery involves some risks such as infection, bleeding and sometimes unnatural aesthetic anti appearance. In very rare cases there is the unexpected fall of the transplanted hair, this event is known as shock loss, that fortunately is rarely permanent.

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Hair implants - Costs and Risks

How much does a Hair implant or Transplant ?

That will depend on the evaluation of each individual and how much is willing to spend. In general terms a transplant, for example, goes on ranges from $5,000 to $15,000 and in the case of hair implants cost may be lower or higher, depending on the case.

If you want an approximate cost locate a specialist online , fill out a form and you will receive a preliminary budget for implantation or transplantation.

These procedures are not covered by insurance, with rare exceptions.

Hair implants or Transplant Surgery ?

Hair implants are appropriate, if you have a baldness pronounced and

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Hair Implants Are Solution For Your Problem?