Thursday, March 6, 2014

Alopecia Areata Barbae Causes and Treatments

Around 2% of people, especially males suffer from alopecia areta barbae, a kind of harmless alopecia and little common, which has no relationship with any disease, nor increases the possibility of other types of hair loss, but that can affect self-esteem and generate insecurity or projecting the image of a sickly.

What is Alopecia areata barbae?

There are different types of alopecia areata and alopecia areta barbae is a sub type, causing loss of hair in the beard. The autoimmune system considers the hair of the beard as an invasive element and attacks the follicles to defend the organism of the invader erroneously detected.

The disease does not produce pain nor is it contagious and frequently lost hair returns to grow spontaneously or with treatment.

alopecia areta barbae usually occur unexpectedly and is characterized by the loss of hair in the facial area, resulting in small patches or depopulated areas of hair than in the majority of cases grow back and sometimes are recurrent and in these cases increasingly patches are larger. It is not known why this condition strikes about man and others not.

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                                                           By Evgeni Dinev- freedigitalphotos

Alopecia areata barbae Causes

There is no precise causes that originate alopecia areata barbae; It is presumed that anxiety, tension, stress, can be determining factors, equally responsible for can be hereditary conditions or immune deficiency. Allergens, environmental toxins, hormonal disorders or viral infections can also be causes of alopecia areta barbae

Other causes may include:

Disorders of thyroid gland
High levels of the male hormones
Chemical treatment of hair
Chemotherapy drugs
Certain antidepressants
Sudden weight loss due to dieting
Large doses of Vitamin A
Beta blockers
Low intake of protein
Local fungal infection of the scalp

Alopecia areata barbae Treatments

There is no guarantee that the hair will grow, but dermatologists prescribe some medications that can accelerate the growth of the follicle. The most recommended are as follows:

Use of the Anthralin
The Anthralin is usually prescribed to relieve psoriasis, but has been shown also stimulate growth of hair of the beard. The Anthralin is presented in the form of ointment or cream and applied daily to the deserted area. Its application requires care and should only keep in touch with area 30 minutes then of which wash and while it applies must be kept away from the eyes. The effects may occur after 14 weeks

Topical application of minoxidil
Topical minoxidil has proven to be effective in the treatment of alopecia areta barbae. Daily applies a solution of minoxidil 5% over the affected areas since the 2% solution has not been effective. A combination of minoxidil and cortisone has proven very satisfactory results to combat this disease.

Application of cortisone
One of the most common treatments is the application of cortisone injections to the affected area. The application must make it a specialist or better a dermatologist. The treatment has no side effects, is painless, but does not always guarantee success. If the application of cortisone is successful outcomes, i.e. appearance of hair occurs in 5 weeks.

For alopecia areata barbae or alopecia in general try a natural lotion that you can prepare at home, easy, cheap and effective. Find out more at:


  1. Why people opt for chemicals for treating any skin disease why not for some natural treatment. Yes off course the treatment options mentioned above are quick, but what about the side effects they lead to. Once you stop the treatment there are chance of recurrence. So in such situations the treatment that works is homeopathy, yes it is bit slow, but effective and without any side effects, For more info visit Homeopathic treatment for alopecia areata

  2. Natural treatment is good to get for the successful results in Alopecia treatment. Try to stay away from tension, stress and depression.

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  3. It is a Autoimmune disorder. Alopecia areata treatment is usually directed at suppressing the immunity. That means once the immunity of a person is suppressed, the chances of getting an autoimmune disease are reduced. Small patches of alopecia areata usually are left without any treatment for more details visit primehairstudio

  4. Nice Post.. Thanks for sharing informative information about Alopecia areata. You can get more details about Alopecia Areata Treatment in Pune at Dr.laad's Clinic.. Keep sharing
