Thursday, September 26, 2013

How To Stop Hair Fall With Natural Remedies

How to stop hair fall

By Luis Quiroz Ravines

How to stop hair fall ? This is a dilemma for more than 800 million men and women worldwide . Everyone looking for a quick and efficient solution and apparently it does not exist.  According to statistics 85 % of men treat their hair loss with minoxidil and 15 % of women with finasteride, both drugs have been approved by the FDA to stop and eventually grow new hair and both drugs also have some side effects, in the case minoxidil in small percentage can cause sexual dysfunction and even impotence.

But there are natural alternatives that can respond effectively to the question how to stop hair fall.

In this article we discuss some effective natural options to stop hair loss and in many cases to re growth it. Some of these natural remedies are not well known but equally effective.

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By arztsamui-freedigitalphotos

How to stop hair fall ? - First determine the causes

Before starting any treatment consult a dermatologist to determine the causes of hair loss or yourself try to find out, might be drug use, hormonal changes if you are female, heredit , poor nutrition, high stress , scalp infection, inadvertent mistreats your hair or just a result of age

How to stop hair fall with home remedies?

If you want to prevent, stop or get new hair you should be disciplined, persistent and patient to get results. Natural remedies to stop hair fall only are effective if you apply them daily for several weeks and in some cases months. Some are more effective than others but they all work.

How to stop hair fall with known home remedies

Aloe vera

One of the most ancient and most known to stop hair loss and promote its growth is the daily use of aloe vera pulp. In Latin America under the name of "sabila" applies daily pulp of plant on the scalp with gentle massage.

Saw palmetto

Widely used in North America for its ability to block production of DHT, a hormone responsible for quality of hair and widely used by herbalists to fight falling of hair of men and women. Usually take 100 milligrams of beta-sitesterol and 400 milligrams of saw palmetto extract.


This plant also has the ability to block the DHT hormone and is applied daily to the scalp in the form of liquid extract or rosemary oil . Equally useful to stop hair loss in men and

hair loss treatment


  1. Nice Suggestion.!!!! that you have posted in this blog. I have also suffering from hair loss problem. Thanks for giving the nice suggestion.

  2. Thank you for giving the information. I have already consulted my doctor and they have prescribed me a natural oil called Emu Oil which helped me a lot in controlling my hair loss.
    Benefits of emu oil

  3. Nice suggestion. I tried a laser helmet with success too. Everything is better than Propecia, so its good you are offering some alternatives

  4. Great tips for hair fall problems! Individuals who are suffering from this problem should try these home remedies to get rid of this hair fall dilemma. Joe H

  5. All the tips are effective and great! the mixture of egg, peeled Avogadro, olive oil and castor oil is also awesome for copping hair fall. And yes Laser hair loss helmet is also very effective.
