Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Dry Hair Causes and Main Solutions

 By PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines

Hair is one of the fundamental elements in the appearance of a person,
 especially in women and they will do everything possible to wear a silky, shiny, healthy and dazzling hair. But the hair is fragile and sometimes for various reasons becomes dry, damaged, lifeless. The causes for this unpleasant condition are numerous and range from excessive exposure to the Sun to the presence of an underlying disease. Dry hair is only hair with natural oils deficit. In this article we will try on dry hair causes and solutions to recover the luster and splendor of the dry and damaged hair.

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Dry Hair Causes – Diagnosis

The competent professional to evaluate and diagnose this anomaly is the dermatologist. The consultation will include a series of questions relating to food, hygiene, wash your hair, shampoo type, frequency if you use hair dryer, if the pool and other questions that can be complemented with a physical examination, observation of your hair under a microscope and a blood test. It is important for the doctor to determine the exact cause of withered and dry hair in order to prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

Why Is Your Hair Dry?

If you have dry hair, the causes can be internal and external.

External causes for dry hair include excess application of dyes and exposure to harmful chemicals, excessive heat, frequent use of electric curlers, incorrect habits in the hair care that only increase the dry hair.
Also exposure common to the Sun or the cold end, or abusing the chlorinated pools.

Fortunately these dry hair causes are easily surmountable and the first measures will be to reduce or eliminate the majority of identified causes. If your hair problem is severe, the dry hair causes can be internal.

Among them these are the main ones:


Malnutrition can cause skin and hair dry because the body does not receive sufficient and necessary, such as proteins, mineral nutrients, essential oils, amino acids and other elements of a balanced diet

Menopause and age

The hormonal changes of menopause and the inevitable advance of time and age also originate dry and damaged hair. Also the pregnancy, can temporarily cause dryness of hair.
Anorexia nervosa

The weight loss from an eating disorder, leads to a nutritional deficiency and this affects the hair and skin. The first step to overcome this deficiency is to recognize the presence of anorexia and apply proper nutritious diet and if it is necessary to seek the help of a medical professional.

Prolonged illness

Patients with diseases long as cancer often by the use of drugs and treatments experience dry hair and withered skin problems.


The thyroid gland produces a hormone that controls the process of protein and energy. When there is lack of this hormone are produced physical changes, including dry hair and skin. The same effect produces the hyperthyroidism, i.e. excess of hormone production

Menkes syndrome

It is a serious disease caused by a genetic deficiency that prevents the absorption of copper which affect the structure of the skin, hair and bones

Dry Hair Causes - Main Treatments

Independent of the Dry Hair Causes any treatment for hair problems must be based on good nutrition that includes plenty of water, fruit, vegetables, fish, eggs, dairy products, meat and Omega 3 oils.

In the market there are excellent products to restore moisture and natural oils in the scalp, which will return your hair shine and beauty of a strong and healthy hair.

The Huffingtonpost health reporters investigated the best products on the market to efficiently treat dry, damaged hair. These are the results of their  search after consulting a reputable stylists and hairdressers:

Davines Natural Tech Nourishing Shampoo And Conditioner
"As I was surprised at how soft and rich my hair felt days later." - Jessica Misener, HuffPost Style news editor

Phyto 7 Daily Hydrating Botanical Cream, Phytojoba Intense Hydrating Shampoo And Phytojoba Intense Hydrating Masque

"Long overdue for my twice a year highlight touch-up, I was excited to give these products a go"

Redken All Soft Argan-6 Oil

"I was excited to try this one out because I'm such a fan of completo Redken All Soft shampoo and conditioner". -Rebecca Adams, Stylelist intern

Philip B White Truffle Oil Shampoo And Conditioning Creme
I'd recommend both the shampoo and conditioner

KeSari Indian Oil Hair Serum

"I love the sweet, spicy saffron scent, and I noticed that my curls looked less dull and felt incredibly softer".
Dana L. Oliver, Stylelist beauty editor

L' Oréal Professionnel Mythic Oil

"I definitely saw a difference in the texture of my ends while using this product." "I'd run a small dab through my hair to my ends and it really helped add a touch of extra moisture".
Brooke Bobb, Stylelist fashion assistant

Ouidad Climate Control Shampoo, Conditioner And 12 Minute Deep Treatment

I actually saw a great difference in my hair when I just used the shampoo and conditioner the first day. My hair seemed less dry and frizzy

On the other hand readers recommended:

Neutrogena Triple Moisture Deep Recovery Hair Mask and Frederic

Fekkai Protein Rx Anti-Breakage Treatment Mask

Dry Hair Causes - Homemade Treatments

To eliminate Dry Hair Causes the Huffingtonpost health reporter, Kirbby Johnson recommended to apply the following hair mask

1 / 4 cup of coconut oil
2 tablespoons peppermint extract
1 tablespoon of Apple Cider vinegar
1 cup hot water
1 spray bottle

Mix everything and moderately warm. Apply the mask starting with the root to the ends of the hair. Let stand for 10 minutes and then rinse with cold water.

Homemade Treatments

Products recommended by the reporters of the Huffingtonpost probably are good but are expensive and if you don't find them in your area, you can try natural treatments that will return to your dry hair, health and beauty you are looking for.

Try one of the following:

-Mix a teaspoon of coconut milk and a teaspoon of lavender oil and apply to dry hair before sleeping. Rinse in the morning.

-Olive oil more banana
Mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil with a banana, mash, and apply to the scalp. After 30 minutes rinse and shampoo

-Coconut oil

Apply to damp hair tips, penetrates deep into the scalp. Keep it all night and rinse in the morning.

-Honey + pumpkin

To one cup of pumpkin puree add 2 tablespoons of honey and apply to the scalp, let stand for 15 minutes and then rinse. Pumpkins are packed with beta carotene, zinc, potassium and vitamin C. A and It is a formidable natural moisturizer


Crush an aspirin in your shampoo. The salicilic acid  restores the shine and removes residue from hair


Oils and natural proteins of avocado soften the hair. Apply the mask of ripe avocado and let stand for 15 minutes then rinse

Beer Hair Tonic

The beer contains large amounts of vitamin B and much protein that helps to restore the fragile hair and gives  brightness and health because it nourishes the follicle. To damp hair, spray a small amount of beer, let it dry, your hair will look soft, shiny and smooth.

Gelatin for hair

Mix 1 cup of warm water with 1 tablespoon of gelatin, add a few drops of lavender and 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider vinegar. Apply to hair and scalp, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Treatment with egg

One more ancient remedies to treat dry hair by its content of lecithin and proteins that strengthen hair and texture.

Mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil or coconut with 3 eggs. Add a tablespoon of honey and mix very well. Apply on wet hair and scalp, cover and leave for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

A homemade formula that communicates shine, body and hair health and at the same time stops its fall is called Hair Loss Natural Solution Formula, it works for men and women. View pictures before and after 4 years of application.

Dry Hair Causes – Diagnosis

The competent professional to evaluate and diagnose this anomaly is the dermatologist. The consultation will include a series of questions relating to food, hygiene, wash your hair, shampoo type, frequency if you use hair dryer, if the pool and other questions that can be complemented with a physical examination, observation of your hair under a microscope and a blood test. It is important for the doctor to determine the exact cause of withered and dry hair in order to prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

Why Is Your Hair Dry?

If you have dry hair, the causes can be internal and external.

External causes for dry hair include excess application of dyes and exposure to harmful chemicals, excessive heat, frequent use of electric curlers, incorrect habits in the hair care that only increase the dry hair.
Also exposure common to the Sun or the cold end, or abusing the chlorinated pools.

Fortunately these dry hair causes are easily surmountable and the first measures will be to reduce or eliminate the majority of identified causes. If your hair problem is severe, the dry hair causes can be internal.

Among them these are the main ones:


Malnutrition can cause skin and hair dry because the body does not receive sufficient and necessary, such as proteins, mineral nutrients, essential oils, amino acids and other elements of a balanced diet

Menopause and age

The hormonal changes of menopause and the inevitable advance of time and age also originate dry and damaged hair. Also the pregnancy, can temporarily cause dryness of hair.
Anorexia nervosa

The weight loss from an eating disorder, leads to a nutritional deficiency and this affects the hair and skin. The first step to overcome this deficiency is to recognize the presence of anorexia and apply proper nutritious diet and if it is necessary to seek the help of a medical professional.

Prolonged illness

Patients with diseases long as cancer often by the use of drugs and treatments experience dry hair and withered skin problems.


The thyroid gland produces a hormone that controls the process of protein and energy. When there is lack of this hormone are produced physical changes, including dry hair and skin. The same effect produces the hyperthyroidism, i.e. excess of hormone production

Menkes syndrome

It is a serious disease caused by a genetic deficiency that prevents the absorption of copper which affect the structure of the skin, hair and bones

Dry Hair Causes - Main Treatments

Independent of the Dry Hair Causes any treatment for hair problems must be based on good nutrition that includes plenty of water, fruit, vegetables, fish, eggs, dairy products, meat and Omega 3 oils.

In the market there are excellent products to restore moisture and natural oils in the scalp, which will return your hair shine and beauty of a strong and healthy hair.

The Huffingtonpost health reporters investigated the best products on the market to efficiently treat dry, damaged hair. These are the results of their  search after consulting a reputable stylists and hairdressers:

Davines Natural Tech Nourishing Shampoo And Conditioner
"As I was surprised at how soft and rich my hair felt days later." - Jessica Misener, HuffPost Style news editor

Phyto 7 Daily Hydrating Botanical Cream, Phytojoba Intense Hydrating Shampoo And Phytojoba Intense Hydrating Masque

"Long overdue for my twice a year highlight touch-up, I was excited to give these products a go"

Redken All Soft Argan-6 Oil

"I was excited to try this one out because I'm such a fan of completo Redken All Soft shampoo and conditioner". -Rebecca Adams, Stylelist intern

Philip B White Truffle Oil Shampoo And Conditioning Creme
I'd recommend both the shampoo and conditioner

KeSari Indian Oil Hair Serum

"I love the sweet, spicy saffron scent, and I noticed that my curls looked less dull and felt incredibly softer".
Dana L. Oliver, Stylelist beauty editor

L' Oréal Professionnel Mythic Oil

"I definitely saw a difference in the texture of my ends while using this product." "I'd run a small dab through my hair to my ends and it really helped add a touch of extra moisture".
Brooke Bobb, Stylelist fashion assistant

Ouidad Climate Control Shampoo, Conditioner And 12 Minute Deep Treatment

I actually saw a great difference in my hair when I just used the shampoo and conditioner the first day. My hair seemed less dry and frizzy

On the other hand readers recommended:

Neutrogena Triple Moisture Deep Recovery Hair Mask and Frederic

Fekkai Protein Rx Anti-Breakage Treatment Mask

Dry Hair Causes - Homemade Treatments

To eliminate Dry Hair Causes the Huffingtonpost health reporter, Kirbby Johnson recommended to apply the following hair mask

1 / 4 cup of coconut oil
2 tablespoons peppermint extract
1 tablespoon of Apple Cider vinegar
1 cup hot water
1 spray bottle

Mix everything and moderately warm. Apply the mask starting with the root to the ends of the hair. Let stand for 10 minutes and then rinse with cold water.

Homemade Treatments

Products recommended by the reporters of the Huffingtonpost probably are good but are expensive and if you don't find them in your area, you can try natural treatments that will return to your dry hair, health and beauty you are looking for.

Try one of the following:

-Mix a teaspoon of coconut milk and a teaspoon of lavender oil and apply to dry hair before sleeping. Rinse in the morning.

-Olive oil more banana
Mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil with a banana, mash, and apply to the scalp. After 30 minutes rinse and shampoo

-Coconut oil

Apply to damp hair tips, penetrates deep into the scalp. Keep it all night and rinse in the morning.

-Honey + pumpkin

To one cup of pumpkin puree add 2 tablespoons of honey and apply to the scalp, let stand for 15 minutes and then rinse. Pumpkins are packed with beta carotene, zinc, potassium and vitamin C. A and It is a formidable natural moisturizer


Crush an aspirin in your shampoo. The salicilic acid  restores the shine and removes residue from hair


Oils and natural proteins of avocado soften the hair. Apply the mask of ripe avocado and let stand for 15 minutes then rinse

Beer Hair Tonic

The beer contains large amounts of vitamin B and much protein that helps to restore the fragile hair and gives  brightness and health because it nourishes the follicle. To damp hair, spray a small amount of beer, let it dry, your hair will look soft, shiny and smooth.

Gelatin for hair

Mix 1 cup of warm water with 1 tablespoon of gelatin, add a few drops of lavender and 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider vinegar. Apply to hair and scalp, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Treatment with egg

One more ancient remedies to treat dry hair by its content of lecithin and proteins that strengthen hair and texture.

Mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil or coconut with 3 eggs. Add a tablespoon of honey and mix very well. Apply on wet hair and scalp, cover and leave for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

A homemade formula that communicates shine, body and hair health and at the same time stops its fall is called Hair Loss Natural Solution Formula, it works for men and women. View pictures before and after 4 years of application.

1 comment:

  1. It reduces hairfall significantly by offering more protection from damage.  (BLACKWOOD FOR MEN)
