By PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines
The Onion is one of the most cultivated plants of the world, belongs to
the genus Allium and is used as a vegetable, raw, cooked, pickled in sauces
etc. The onion contains chemical substances that irritate the eyes and many
phenols and flavonoids with properties anticancer, anti inflammatory, anti
cholesterol and anti hair fall. Onion for
hair Growth is the topic discussed here.
Onion For Hair - Does Onion Help In Hair Growth?
According to the Journal of
Dermatology magazine, the onion juice can be an effective home remedy to combat
alopecia or hair loss. One of every 5 people older than 40 are affected by hair
loss and although required further studies, onion for hair growth can be a good
resource that must be taken into consideration
The high sulfur content seems to be primarily responsible for
stimulating the growth of hair to promote increased blood circulation in the
scalp. Additionally the onion is anti bacterial therefore onion juice open
blocked pores of hair follicles, prevents infections and originates a stronger
Now, you have to choose between supporting the unpleasant smell of onion
juice to stop and eventually overcome the loss of your hair or simply ignore
the onion juice therapy.
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Onion as Hair Loss Treatment
One of the main causes for hair loss is called alopecia areata, which
affects both men and women and that despite advances in science and technology,
surprisingly so far not found a definitive cure to this problem as old as
The market is saturated with remedies to solve hair loss and prevent
baldness. Many of these products include onion components.
Some studies point to the onion as an effective home remedy against hair
In 2002 the Journal of Dermatology reported that a study has shown the
power of the onion to significantly promote the growth of hair.
A group of the study applied topically onion juice to their scalp and
there was a growth of up to 73% compared to the placebo group or control.
The Onion is a rich source of sulfur known as beauty ore for its
remarkable effects on the skin and hair. The sulphur strongly stimulates blood
circulation and reduces infections of the scalp. Sulfur makes possible the
creation of collagen, an important protein that provides softness and strength
to the hair and skin. So that onion
for hair growth is sustained in studies and positive results.
Even the FDA has approved the application of onion juice how to grow
hair and the American Hair Association recommends it as first-line treatment to
prevent or stop hair loss. The second approved remedy for the FDA is minoxidil
Onion Mask Recipes for Hair Loss
To care, stop and grow hair, the most common application is applied
directly to the scalp the onion juice.
Masks, adding other ingredients can be prepared also. The results are
usually seen in a short time.
Some examples:
Onion for hair - Mask No 1
3 cloves of garlic
¼ onion
1/8 cup of Apple Cider vinegar
1/8 cup water
¼ Pepper
Blend all ingredients, strain and use every day 20 minutes on the scalp.
Rinse with warm water.
Onion for hair – Mask No. 2
1 tablespoon of honey
1 medium onion
1 tablespoon olive oil
Mix the onion juice with the honey and oil. Apply once a week and
massage by 2 minutes. A fter 1 hour rinse with warm water and vinegar to
eliminate the smell of onion.
Onion for hair - Mask No 3
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 medium onion
Mix coconut oil with the juice of onion and apply to the scalp with
gentle massage and let 3 hours. Rinse with warm water and Apple Cider vinegar.
Onions Health Benefits
Onion for hair growth is not the only benefit of this remarkable plant,
garlic close relative, offers numerous health benefits and since ancient times
it has been used to prevent epidemics of plague and cholera, but is also useful
Onion is anti-inflammatory
One of the molecules of the onion, Onionin A, only in onion, inhibits
macrophage activity and although respiratory system and its benefits for the
arthritis have not been demonstrated as garlic, its inflammatory power is
Onion offers cardiovascular benefits
In animal studies showed its anticoagulant onion capacity
and prevention of platelet formation. It was also shown that onion sulfurs may
reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels and these benefits may be passed on
to humans.
Onion offers benefits to the connective tissue and bones
Mainly women may benefit from the ability of the onion to increase bone
density and reduce the risk of fracture in pelvis and hip, but frequent and
daily consumption of onions is necessary
Other healthy onion include
Anti Anemia
Reduces Blood pressure
Reduces Cholesterol
Relief Constipation and flatulence
Prevent Hair loss
Useful for Urinary tract infection
If you are worried about your hair loss, try a natural and effective
solution and stop alopecia in two weeks. Find more information on my website
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