PC- Luis Quiroz Ravines
We all know that about 100 daily hair loss is normal and in the normal
development process the hair falls and regrowth in alternate cycles. But when
hair loss is sustained and abundant is a
cause for concern and alarm. This health condition inherent in the passage of
time and other factors is almost inevitable in the majority of males and
smaller scale among women. Researchers are constantly looking for a fast,
effective and definitive solution to the problem of hair loss, but still not
the magic solution. All treatments for baldness transplant surgery is the best
and the latest in this field is the robotic
hair transplant, i.e. the implementation of automated hair, today we will
discuss some details of this modern procedure...
What is robotic hair transplant?
Robotic hair transplant, is a
technology of follicular unit extraction that Dr. Rassman and Bernstein made
popular from the year 2002 and that offers several advantages over traditional
hair transplants.
With the registered name ARTAS, the system uses a robotic arm with a
software that projects sophisticated digital images, extracted from 1 to 4
follicular units. The robot continuously calculates angle, position, and other
parameters to identify each follicular unit and remove it at optimal levels.
ARTAS technology extracting follicular units of very healthy donor areas and
stores them for deployment in the receiving area.
The advantage of this system is that it is equipped with a robot that is
guided by video images and is equipped with double needle which minimizes the
traumatic effect that originates around the grafted hair and hair has a better
prospect of survival.
In the traditional system the process is lengthy and the surgeon must be
removed carefully, one by one, the donor hair and this can lead to human error
ARTAS treatment is less invasive and painful and is the first step to
automated deployment of follicular units expected in a few years.
hair transplant technology, reduces the time of extraction of hair
follicles, extracted them accurately, is less traumatic, and increases the
survival of transplanted hair.
SAVE the Planet Act
Robotic hair transplant for women
The hair loss in women is often different from that of men and for cases
of transplant surgery offer more generous donor areas. When hair loss is not
significant, or the hair loss is diffuse, laser and application of Rogaine may
go to other treatments, such as therapy
In cases of localized hair loss women can undergo hair transplantation
it was but this procedure requires a long recovery period, produces, swelling,
pain and causes scar, usually not visible in the case of women.
So for women with problems of localized and severe hair loss, a better
choice is robotic
hair transplant or ARTAS as said produces no pain or swelling.
To differ from men, in transplantation women the hatched should imitate
the angle and direction around the follicles. The main objective is to restore
the original hairline and offer the patient an aesthetic and natural appearance.
In terms of outcomes, Dr. Turowski ensures that hair transplant mimics
the direction and angle of around strands. Women hatched require different
shaping of men. For women, these transplants are frequently aimed at restoring
the original hairline over the more conservative approach used in men, whose
lines are expected to change with maturity.
Robotic hair transplant cost
The traditional transplant NeoGraft FUE is cheaper, typically between $
5-7 per graft hair and the ARTAS system or robotic hair transplant, the cost
ranges from $ 7-10 per graft, ie more expensive, becoming so high as $ 8,000 to
16,000 per session.
In the clinic of Dr. Bernstein, in New York, robotic hair transplant costs $ 10.00 compared to transplantation graft FUT (follicular transplant unite containing 1-4 hairs and costs $ 7.00 per graft.
And scar revision robotic hair transplant procedure, costs $ 1500
Robotic hair transplant - New Developments in Robotic Technology
As we noted at the beginning, Dr. Robert M. Bernstein
is one of the pioneers of the robotic
hair transplant and he is continually researching new technologies that allow
a better experience to his patients.
He is currently testing the ARTAS system to create a receiver site and
this new technology was recently presented in February 2014 in California.
With this technique the surgeon draws a surgical plan and make marks
directly on the scalp. A computer is powered with photography that create a
real three-dimensional image that allows the doctor to determine the density,
the angle and the randomness of the incisions in the recipient site.
It is estimated that the robot can do some 1,500 receptor sites in an
hour. Dr. Bernstein expects to apply this new procedure for the fall of 2014.
What are the concerns ABOUT robotic hair transplant?
The future of robotic
hair transplant is not very clear, but with advances, new discoveries and
needs of men and women who lose hair every day, fully automated transplant
could be more fast, safe and cheap alternative to solve a problem that so far
not a total and definitive cure.
Perhaps in the future a robot replace the ability, experience and
professionalism of surgeons, that would only need to schedule and go machines
for transplanting hair into shape 100% automatic. After all the robots are
already manufactured cars, almost with total autonomy.
By now if you have problem of hair loss and want to stop it quickly a
safe and effective natural option can be found HERE
Hair Transplant is one of the procedure evolving in cosmetic and aesthetic surgery improvement day by day and different procedure like FUT, FUE and Robotic Hair Transplant Permanently, Pain free and natural results.