Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Strong & Healthy Hair

Men and women, we all want to look beautiful and healthy hair y and do our best to achieve this goal.
But for various reasons, men and women, sometimes inevitably begin to lose hair

Hair is a complex structure of root, stem, keratin and melanin
Root is the hair follicle which is a small slit in the skin tube that holds the root in the same way that a container holds soil, stem and root system of a plant. Each strand of hair has its own follicle. It also has a papilla: a small lump of tissue in a horseshoe shape that is at the base of the follicle. The outer layer is formed by a thin layer of cells that take the form of hair. Blood vessels provide nutrients for hair growth.

Why is hair loss?

The 100,000 to 150,000 hair follicles containing the scalp does not work at the same pace, some are in the anagen phase, and others are being finalized and the others are at rest, hence the importance of this process to achieve an understanding of the causes and effective treatment to reach

The causes are varied.
These are the main ones:

Poor nutrition

It is proven that a diet deficient in minerals, vitamins and protein is important cause for hair loss, although the symptoms of an inadequate diet are not felt immediately in the hair, needs a long time to see its effects this, once the reserves are depleted in the body.


Studies show that stress causes hair loss, hence the importance of avoiding emotional tension especially in people suffering from hair loss. Relaxation techniques to relieve stress and visualization are essential to rebut the damaging effects produced by emotional stress.

After menopause

After menopause, a woman’s ovaries stop producing estrogen. The lower rate of female hormones, comparatively, is equivalent to an increase in androgen production. As a result, it is common for women’s hair tends to thin, weaken and fall at this stage of life. The use of estrogen helps restore hormonal levels before menopause.

Damaged hair

The constant use of hair dryers, electric curlers, dyes, bleaches, prolonged exposure to sun, wind, sea water, chlorine in pools, and even bad hair hygiene are also causes direct thinning of hair, aggression and abuse are causes of loss.

Choosing the right shampoo for every hair type and washed frequently helps keep it healthy, shiny and easy to comb, conditioners are also effective, the freely dried with a towel and detangle with fingers only prevented from falling.

In some cases surgery is needed

When we are faced with a picture of alopecia androgenetic- common baldness in men- may resort to surgery, techniques of mini grafts and micro grafts consisting of hair transplant in groups of one to four hairs.

If your problem is hair loss, try my invention, a homemade hair loss treatment that STOP your hair loss in only 17 days.  Discover the formula CLICK HERE

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