The ceviche is a dish of Peruvian cuisine, whose main ingredients are: raw fish , lemon juice, sliced raw onion and hot pepper very thin, over lettuce, corn and sweet potatoes that accompanied, no doubt because of the hot Arona dish called it "popular and fierce. " The ceviche can be also based on squid, shrimp, scallops and other shellfish
In the Peruvian folk literature documenting sevichito or derivatives or sibichi seviche sebichito and binge on food and ceviche is the sole or main dish. There are specialized cebicherías in Lima in the preparation and sale of this dish, and are advertised for sale cebicheras sources. By extension, called acebichada raw meat prepared with vinegar and other ingredients
Source Google Images
- 1 / 2 kilo white fish into pieces 1cm cubes
- 8 lemons
- pepper to taste hot pepper or chili
- 1 large onion, preferably red
- 1 tsp salt
- dash pepper
- 1 clove garlic, crushed at the time
- a few sprigs of coriander or cilantro, minced
Previously Wash and drain the raw fish, place in a container glass. Add the juice of 8 lemons, salt, pepper, garlic ground, and hot pepper or chili in tiny squares to taste remove all the fish with all this juice and place it carefully everything on a platter and decorate top with the onion washed and cut pen (long and thin) and sprinkle over the coriander or cilantro
chopped very small.
Ready to serve. Serve with potatoes boiled ,yellow corn (maize cobs) and sweet potatoes
Article courtesy of Hair Loss Natural
In the Peruvian folk literature documenting sevichito or derivatives or sibichi seviche sebichito and binge on food and ceviche is the sole or main dish. There are specialized cebicherías in Lima in the preparation and sale of this dish, and are advertised for sale cebicheras sources. By extension, called acebichada raw meat prepared with vinegar and other ingredients
Source Google Images
- 1 / 2 kilo white fish into pieces 1cm cubes
- 8 lemons
- pepper to taste hot pepper or chili
- 1 large onion, preferably red
- 1 tsp salt
- dash pepper
- 1 clove garlic, crushed at the time
- a few sprigs of coriander or cilantro, minced
Previously Wash and drain the raw fish, place in a container glass. Add the juice of 8 lemons, salt, pepper, garlic ground, and hot pepper or chili in tiny squares to taste remove all the fish with all this juice and place it carefully everything on a platter and decorate top with the onion washed and cut pen (long and thin) and sprinkle over the coriander or cilantro
chopped very small.
Ready to serve. Serve with potatoes boiled ,yellow corn (maize cobs) and sweet potatoes
Article courtesy of Hair Loss Natural
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