Constipation is defined when there is a rare bowel or difficulty expelling the stool. The frequency is variable from person to person and therefore can talk about constipation if there are fewer than three bowel movements per week.
• Hard stools
• Pain in the evacuation
• Stool scanty
• Back pain
• Fatigue and tiredness
• Headaches
Constipation is most often caused by:
• Low fiber diet
• Lack of physical activity
• Not drinking enough water
• Delay to go to the bathroom when you have the urge to defecate
Fhoto : Sura Nualpra
. Avoiding constipation altogether is easier than treating it, but involves the same steps in lifestyle:
• Eat lots of fiber
• Drink plenty of fluids each day (at least 8 glasses of water per day)
. Exercise regularly
• Go to the bathroom when you have the urge and not wait
When constipation becomes chronic, predisposes the development of
And even cancer as distributed through the bloodstream, toxins throughout the body.
Trick to Instantly RELIEVE constipation
Watch video 01
Watch video 02
I learned from a medical and apply it almost daily with excellent results and I believe it can work in most cases of constipation, except in cases of very severe and chronic constipation.
But you have to be persistent and repeatedly hit or push your stomach for success.
Apply it and see the results
Article courtesy of : Hair loss treatment Expert
• Hard stools
• Pain in the evacuation
• Stool scanty
• Back pain
• Fatigue and tiredness
• Headaches
Constipation is most often caused by:
• Low fiber diet
• Lack of physical activity
• Not drinking enough water
• Delay to go to the bathroom when you have the urge to defecate
Fhoto : Sura Nualpra
. Avoiding constipation altogether is easier than treating it, but involves the same steps in lifestyle:
• Eat lots of fiber
• Drink plenty of fluids each day (at least 8 glasses of water per day)
. Exercise regularly
• Go to the bathroom when you have the urge and not wait
When constipation becomes chronic, predisposes the development of
And even cancer as distributed through the bloodstream, toxins throughout the body.
Trick to Instantly RELIEVE constipation
Watch video 01
Watch video 02
I learned from a medical and apply it almost daily with excellent results and I believe it can work in most cases of constipation, except in cases of very severe and chronic constipation.
But you have to be persistent and repeatedly hit or push your stomach for success.
Apply it and see the results
Article courtesy of : Hair loss treatment Expert
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