Sunday, May 29, 2011

Home Remedies to Stop Hair Loss

Hair loss treatments are used interchangeably for men and women

But to combat hair loss, we must first know a little more about it. First of all it is necessary to remember that many specialists think that a normal loss of hair implies the fall of up to 100 hair every day  in an uninterrupted cycle of reinstatement. It is to say, that while some fall down, others are going out and the difference is not obvious
But if there are nutritional deficiencies in our body, hair replacement will be very slow or impossible. Against this, the undisputed solution is to eat healthily and take a multivitamin, which contains especially complex B.
In other words it is best to focus on prevention, especially in our diet, which should be rich in vitamins, B complex, A. Besides abundant in cereals and green vegetables, wheat germ and brewer's yeast.

Following recipes can be an effective home treatment for hair loss

Recipe 01

In a saucepan heat a liter of water, adds 7 spoonfuls of tail of horse, other 7 of fresh rosemary and 7 of nettle, leaves everything there in about five minutes.. Let stand for 10 minutes  more and strain the infusion. Use it after shampooing, making massage and do not take it off or rinse.

Recipe 02

Put in a glass jar seals, 1 liter of white rum and 8 mango leaves. Stir mango leaves with the rum in the bottle tightly closed and put it outside in order that it sticks the serene one and the Sun for 15 days, without forgetting to wave it daily. Then, mix a cup of the resultant liquid with a cup of lukewarm water and apply yourself quite softly

Fhoto :  anankkml

Recipe 03

100 grams of watercress liquefy until it falls completely apart, apply the result in the problem area, take advantage of e-fulfillment as a massage, let dry and then rinse. It is recommended for use twice a week

Recipe 04

Finally and indispensable in any hair loss treatment, the basil, which excellent properties help to increase the hair and to stop you hair loss f. Boil it in water and once cold filter it.Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and apply yourself in the problem area every night.

If your problem is hair loss, try my invention, a homemade hair loss treatment that STOP your hair loss in only 17 days.  Discover the formula CLICK HERE

1 comment:

  1. Nice article.. This helps in preventing the Hair Fall naturally through the home remedies which is a major problem now-a-days and it may very helpful, Thanks for the share..
