Thursday, July 21, 2011


When this problem occurs due to a state of stress or even poor hygiene habits or age when hair starts to fall too scared us, it is best to take it easy, as I told you the state of stress causes hair fall, take measures such as treatment, shampoo anti fall.

When the person is still very young and have this problem with your hair this is called alopecia. And hair loss is more common in temples, forehead and crown.

What causes alopecia?

Stress is the cause but other factors, poor diet, lack of protein, surgery, high temperatures.

What causes baldness?

Age, heredity, in men with prostate disorders, hormonal imbalances, the hair bulb, when this happens you must act immediately and seek treatment to stop this progress.

How I can prevent hair loss?

Change your habits of hygiene, adequate food, brush gently, massage it into the scalp to stimulate hair follicles.


Fhoto to Rawich's

Red meat, vitamin B, brewer's yeast, vitamin E, are the main allies of keratin, vegetables, cereals, fish, containing oligo they help the development of capillary tissue and are indispensable.

The massages are important

Do it with your fingertips, from the neck up to the crown, help the microcirculation of the scalp.

Use mild shampoo

Oily hair type asearlo must frequently as the excess oil suffocates the scalp and therefore accelerates the fall, a good option is to use shampoo that contains a neutral pH for frequent use, the heat weakens the hair making it brittle, no use the dryer and dry it gently with your towel do.

Nutrients that need thinning hair found in plants: pine phytosterol, grapes, green tea extracts and zinc, are the best treatment to heal the hair.

If your problem is hair loss, try my invention, a homemade hair loss treatment that STOP hair loss in only 17 days.  Discover the FORMULA at Stop Losing Hair 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Hair loss: A Taboo for Women

The women are fighters ' todoterreno' , that is to say, they work, they take care of the children, the house and they even have left time for the personal relations. This accumulated stress, a traumatic shock or even some type of hormonal change - as a diet or the stage post childbirth can bring about some problems, as it is the case of the hair loss. Generally this subject is associated with men, but it  is something that also affects a high percentage of women. Many cases exist and in particular some in which the women live this type on problems in silence with a question making the rounds in their head, what can I  make to solve it?

Fhoto Idea go's

Times  change and also changed the customs and standards of beauty. In the past people lived in the countryside, breathing fresh air and had a life dedicated to children and home. Today, this concept is different, since life in the city, the rush, combining tasks (children, home, work) and increased personal needs, aesthetic and professional approach have made this change resulting in a series state of stress, anxiety and fatigue that affect our health and, therefore, in our hair. Faced with this problem we must act. Analyze the causes of the fall and what are the psychological consequences for women who suffer from it can be a step to prevent it.

The Causes of Hair Loss

Before examining the psychological consequences of the problem must start at the beginning of the question. Hair loss can not be associated to a single cause, but there are many reasons that can affect the fall and weakening it.

Problems of hormonal character exist that can bring about a imbalance in our organism consequently and the fall of the hair. Some clear examples can be the contraceptive menopause, methods, the pregnancy or the stage after the childbirth. Also, we can speak of a bad feeding or the pursuit of a strict diet. These cases, the rupture of the healthful habits of feeding or a low diet in iron or zinc can affect of negative way the health of our hair. It is not necessary to forget those situations social, personal type and familiar that affect the psychological land consequently and they influence of direct form in the fall of our hair. Moments of personal anguish or disagreeable emotional states, as it can be the death of a dear being or a disease either other focused cases the more to a greater professional or social exigency can be some of the detonating of the alopecia.

Finally, something that it can be in our hands is the indiscriminate use of products such as dyes, hair dryers, irons, etc.But inside the root of this issue, we emphasize the psychological consequences of this problem, Irritability, low self-esteem and shame

Hair is a symbol of identity within the female gender. A hair healthy, shiny long a symbol of good health, but what happens when you fall? According to studies conducted in Europe, one in three women experience hair loss or weakening.

The question today is still under debate, as often this fact is seen as a matter of beauty, but the consequences are much deeper, affecting self-esteem of women and the negative perception of themselves in their personal relationships and even professionals.

Certainly, before the occurrence of any of these problems, we should remedy. For this reason, avoid the causes of the decline with  natural products or cosmetics may be the solution to fight hair loss. What better than to start taking care of the problem from the start?

If your problem is hair loss, try my invention, I reveal my Multi Millon dollar Formula to STOP losing hair  in only 17 days.  Discover the FORMULA at Hair Loss Natural

Friday, July 1, 2011

Natural Remedies For Hair Loss in Men

The loss of 50 to 100 fibers of hair every day is normal for all the people. Once the hair falls, that immediately will be replaced by a new strand of hair that grows from the same pilar follicle underneath the surface of the hairy leather. This type of thinning of the hair is generally imperceptible. When great amounts of hair are lost with regularity, is known with the name of baldness or alopecia. The alopecia is the state of loss of hair or the permanent baldness This disorder is common among men.

The causes of hair loss are varied. Knowing the cause of reducing a man's hair will help in the type of treatment used. Sometimes when a person has gone through a serious illness or surgery, hair loss may occur; temporary hormonal imbalance may be another cause of hair loss. The male hormone androgen may be in a state of imbalance that causes hair loss in men.

The thyroid treatment can improve thinning hair. The most common cause of hair loss in men is hereditary. The male pattern baldness in men is seen most commonly an inherited trait. It starts with a receding hairline or balding on the top of the head. There are various hair loss treatments for men are available and one has only to choose from the list. Here is a list of natural treatment of hair loss for men to choose ..

-One of the treatment of hair loss easier and better for men is the amla oil. Amla oil is prepared by boiling dry pieces of amla in coconut oil. The massage oil on your scalp and leaves an hour before shampooing.

- Make a paste of hot olive oil, honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this mixture before taking a bath and leave for 15 minutes.

- Castor oil or coconut oil applied to the hair every day will also help in preventing baldness.

Fotho Pixomar

- Use the fresh aloe vera plant on the scalp is also beneficial in the treatment of thinning hair. If you have access to an aloe vera plant, cut a leaf near the stem, yellow latex drain and remove its thick skin. This will leave you with the gel. Apply this to the scalp and massage with your fingers. You can choose to leave overnight using a natural shampoo the next day to rinse your hair.

Remember, the sooner you initiate treatment of hair loss for men, the greater the investment opportunities of thinning hair.The longer you let your hair thinning less likely it never grows back.

If your problem is hair loss, try my invention, I reveal my Multi Millon dollar Formula to STOP losing hair  in only 17 days.  Discover the FORMULA at Losing

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Natural Homemade Recipe to Accelerate Hair Growth

In order to stimulate the growth of the hair, nothing better than this homemade prescription with mallow. She is very simple to elaborate and their results surprise.

Mallow is a plant that has begun to appreciate a lot for their excellent properties, far beyond the beauty of the plant itself. So as among their typical uses are counted to treat skin problems, hair loss problems, respiratory difficulties and even beauty treatments.

Fhoto :  fincalunawiki

Among the properties that you assign to the mauve are some, for example, be a good plant with a capacity to work on skin problems like eczema, sores, ulcers or even pimples and boils. The treatment is usually used for this purpose is to prepare the tea and then put a cotton ball over the affected areas

Perhaps your weak hair takes much in growing. The growth of the hair depends on many factors.
Without a doubt, its state of nutrition and strength are very important so that the hair grows more express. The homemade and natural remedies are the key of the hair treatment to fortify and to accelerate the growth of your hair. Try and enjoys a hair as always you dreamed to have.

If your hair is weak, the best way to grow hair is to strengthen the hair structure, for that there are many  nourishing hair masks that will help strengthen the hair structure and make good your hair.

However, that may not be enough to accelerate the growth of hair, so here details of a homemade recipe for hair growth


• 2 mallow leaves
• water, 100 cm ³


• Blend the mallow leaves with 1 / 2 cup of water.

Application Mode

• Apply this liquid on your scalp.
• Leave it for about 15 minutes.
• Wash your hair as usual. Repeat this at least once a week

In addition, of this prescription the application of hair masks is recommended that will contribute to maintain a healthy hair.

If your problem is hair loss, try my invention, a homemade hair loss treatment that STOP hair loss in only 17 days.  Discover the FORMULA at Losing

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lemon Shampoo for Oily Hair

The lemon is a citric by excellence that helps fight over 200 diseases. The spectrum covered by the lemon is large and there is still much to learn about this fruit that makes the body as well.

As we said lemon  is effective against many diseases naturally, but it should be noted that when carrying out a cure with lemon should maintain a healthy lifestyle and eating natural foods. Then the cure will be successful.

Lemon is an ideal partner for your oily hair, whether you use the juice as final rinse or to develop this recipe homemade lemon shampoo, your hair will shine thanks to the powerful astringent properties of lemon, which released its excess oil. If your hair is oily type, be sure to try this treatment, your hair will  shine.

Fhoto Ambro

Whatever your hair type, it is best to treat it with natural products, to better protect its beauty. There are many good recipes homemade hair rinses and shampoos for oily hair that meet this requirement.

No grease to resist this recipe homemade lemon shampoo, thanks to powerful astringent properties of this citrus fruit, your hair will look greasy brilliance and natural beauty.

Lemon Shampoo for oily hair


• water, 1 cup
• Rosemary, 15 oz.
• lemon juice, 1
• grated soap, 1 / 2 cup


• In a bowl, place the rosemary in water, takes the heat and let simmer for 10 minutes.
• Strain and add the grated soap. Let it dissolve and wait until it cools.
• Add the lemon juice.

Method of application:
• Apply this preparation, using it as a shampoo to wash your greasy hair.
• Massage your scalp to act in depth.
• Rinse the usual way.

If your problem is hair loss, try my invention, a homemade hair loss treatment that STOP hair loss in only 17 days.  Discover the FORMULA at  Losing

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Emotionally Affects Hair Loss?

No question, if you look in the mirror and discover you're losing your hair can affect you emotionally, a lot.

Some people tend to link the hair loss, with a deteriorating image and a severe decrease in personal appeal.

These are some emotional factors usually present with hair loss:

Loss of self esteem on the image.

As you become aware that you are losing hair, the image that the person has of itself begins to change. It is inevitable to compare, image looked before, with the current image. Not comfortable with their new image, this produces a low self-esteem. Many times, it is common to pay greater attention to the remaining hair in the bath, comb, toilet or sink in the bathroom, laundry or other place, poor self-esteem more.

Relationship problems

When hair loss is harder to socialize for fear of criticism or rejection. People feel they lose their personal appeal and this leads them to think it will please others. They even stop going out with other people, for fear of being criticized by them. In today's society we live in, the picture has a very important value. Therefore, it is normal that the person has fear of being rejected. That's why he prefers to stay away from isolated or social ties to be rejected. The rejection, which may be related to not being wanted or accepted.

Concern and anxiety

When we speak of concern, we are referring to something we think can happen. The word worry, before the deal involves something that has not happened but might happen. There is a difference between concern, occupation and prevention.

Fhoto africa

The concern is destroying us, because we continually hammered on what might happen if this does not happen without doing anything about it. Deal, it means I'm doing something to resolve a situation that occurs at this time. Prevention is the one that can take the necessary steps to prevent something that might happen. This does all the thoughts that come from hair loss and have to do with stress, aging and many other things.
There are ways of addressing this problem naturally without having to get through all this. I invite you to try my natural formula that stops hair loss in just 17 days. Know the Formula, please CLICK HERE

Monday, June 6, 2011

Hair Loss Treatment : Home Remedy

This is a homemade hair loss Treatment easy and effective. As hair loss Treatment for hair care and prevent baldness, you can use daily.

Does this Hair loss Treatment homemade really work?

Ancestral wisdom says that certain plants have been used successfully in the prevention and treatment to stop hair loss, which occurs for various reasons, particularly in men after a certain age.

Here, some homemade recipes to combat hair loss:

Hair Loss Treatment: Home Recipe 01

One of the best natural lotion for strengthening the hair, is undoubtedly the nettle root, nettle leaves by mixing these two ingredients are boiled for about 10 minutes and once cool, is applied as a shampoo on the scalp.

Hair Loss Treatment : Home Recipe 02

On the other hand, another plant that ensure a strong hair are geranium leaves, remedy rather than effective, must do the same process as above, using water obtained from cooking. You can also rinse with vinegar weekly nettle lotion made with water, vinegar and nettles, letting it boil 30 minutes, once cool to apply after washing your hair

Fhoto  Tom Curtis

Hair Loss Treatment : Home Recipe 03

Finally, use the horsetail plant, is also highly recommended for this problem, as in the above options mixed with water, fresh rosemary and nettles, letting it boil for 5 minutes, after an estimated time to cool, strain infusion and apply it as a shampoo, massage the most affected areas and allow to dry hair outdoors.

If your problem is hair loss, try my invention, a homemade hair loss treatment that STOP hair loss in only 17 days.  Discover the FORMULA at Hair Loss Natural Solution

Thursday, June 2, 2011

40% of Women Need a Suitable Hair loss Treatment

Erroneously believe that hair loss is a strictly male disease, while women are indeed the forty percent of people suffering from hair loss. Hair loss in women can be absolutely devastating and suffering self-image and emotional well-being

The excessive hair loss is a problem that occurs in about 40% of all women at least once during their lives, this type of diffuse loss tends to affect the entire scalp and can occur at any age. The first signs are an increased loss, which is followed by a loss of density that is recognizable. The climatic factors favor the release of this condition, because the sun, salt water, pollution, chlorine and humidity are factors that can damage the hair structure, encouraging it to become brittle, lose their luster and eventually fall
Hair loss treatment in Women

According to Dr. Luis Alejandro Romero, a specialist in plastic surgery, environmental factors such as pollution, sun, salt water or chlorine in pools affect the structure of hair and make it weaker, which may occur a drop of it, which we call diffuse alopecia.

"Hair loss in women may also be due to hormonal factors, pregnancy and lactation" he explained.

Hair is composed mainly of keratin, the most important micronutrients for normal growth of hair, are the B complex vitamins, protein and amino acids, which go to the hair through the blood vessels

Hair loss treatment Problem

When the hair structure is damaged, the cuticle is open and rough so harmful factors can easily penetrate the hair thus encouraging it to fall, this can be countered by giving the hair the necessary nutrients, thereby strengthening from within. In fact, there are some treatments for hair loss and hair products to combat the problem.

Hair care products made with natural elements will make it possible prevent hair loss

If your problem is hair loss, try my invention, a homemade hair loss treatment that STOP hair loss in only 17 days.  Discover the FORMULA at Hair Loss Natural Solution

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Oily Hair and Hair Loss

The fat or sebum is one of the most frequent causes for hair loss in men and women, although in men are more frequent. Many hair loss treatments has as principal aim to reduce or eliminate the fat of the scalp. In the market there are many products and anti-grease shampoos, ending the problem worse. which they end up by worsening the problem. A natural shampoo, it can have a better effect.

Here a recipe for a homemade shampoo

Green tea Shampoo for Oily hair

The astringent effect of green tea, due to its tannins, they can work very well in home preparation of a shampoo for oily hair. Thus you will only be inspired by the recipe to achieve the desired effects. The astringent properties of green tea make this drink in a valuable element to form a homemade shampoo for oily hair. Following a traditional recipe, you can implement this variant and see how works


• Two cups water
• Two tablespoons of grated Castile soap type
• Two tablespoons of green tea


This shampoo is very simple to prepare as homemade green tea. Simply put the two cups warm water without coming to a boil and add green tea there for five minutes. Strain and reserve.
Then you take a pan and melt in double boiler the grated soap. Add the green tea soap, mix well in a glass jar and and uses like you do it with any other shampoo

If your problem is hair loss, try my invention, a homemade hair loss treatment that STOP your hair loss in only 17 days.  Discover the formula CLICK HERE


Monday, May 30, 2011

Medical Treatments Vs Natural Treatments for Hair Loss

Are you looking for a hair loss Treatment, medical or natural?

For an, immediate, effective response, medicinal products are the ideal choice but they may have many side effects. While natural products work slowly, they are effective without producing any undesirable effects.

The main medicinal products do have some advantages. They were tested on animals they have low risk and their efficiency was tested. Medicinal drugs such as Rogaine and Propecia are effective and might slow down hair loss but they are not permanent treatments and have a lot of alarming side effects..

On the other hand, natural products are cheap and environmental friendly being derived from plants and herbs and so they do not cost much. They have been used over years without having any side effects. . Some of the products can easily be made at home or found at a near-by market. Increasing vitamin and mineral intake not only is good for the body but also nourishes the hair and promotes their growth.

Natural products such as Muria Puama, Pumpkin, and Horsetail not only cause hair growth but also help the body to deal with stress. Herbs like rosemary, aloe, ginger and capsicum are renowned for their ability to stimulate the follicles in the scalp, promote hair growth and increase their strength without having any risk. Any elimination of hormones caused by the use of synthetic products may lead to illness while natural means produce no such effect.

Fhoto : Michelle Meiklejohn

Some drugs such as the SOD help in the body’s immune system alongside promoting hair re- growth and strengthening. Finasteride and Minoxidil are the most commonly used drugs. But they have side effects

In conclusion, natural products are very safe and cost effective compared to hair transplants and even more cost effective and safe compared to other medical treatments in the market. The major advantage that they have is that they do not have some harmful effects on the body. But is required is a little patience because they  no hair can grow overnight.

If your problem is hair loss, try my invention, a homemade hair loss treatment that STOP your hair loss in only 17 days.  Discover the formula CLICK HERE

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Home Remedies to Stop Hair Loss

Hair loss treatments are used interchangeably for men and women

But to combat hair loss, we must first know a little more about it. First of all it is necessary to remember that many specialists think that a normal loss of hair implies the fall of up to 100 hair every day  in an uninterrupted cycle of reinstatement. It is to say, that while some fall down, others are going out and the difference is not obvious
But if there are nutritional deficiencies in our body, hair replacement will be very slow or impossible. Against this, the undisputed solution is to eat healthily and take a multivitamin, which contains especially complex B.
In other words it is best to focus on prevention, especially in our diet, which should be rich in vitamins, B complex, A. Besides abundant in cereals and green vegetables, wheat germ and brewer's yeast.

Following recipes can be an effective home treatment for hair loss

Recipe 01

In a saucepan heat a liter of water, adds 7 spoonfuls of tail of horse, other 7 of fresh rosemary and 7 of nettle, leaves everything there in about five minutes.. Let stand for 10 minutes  more and strain the infusion. Use it after shampooing, making massage and do not take it off or rinse.

Recipe 02

Put in a glass jar seals, 1 liter of white rum and 8 mango leaves. Stir mango leaves with the rum in the bottle tightly closed and put it outside in order that it sticks the serene one and the Sun for 15 days, without forgetting to wave it daily. Then, mix a cup of the resultant liquid with a cup of lukewarm water and apply yourself quite softly

Fhoto :  anankkml

Recipe 03

100 grams of watercress liquefy until it falls completely apart, apply the result in the problem area, take advantage of e-fulfillment as a massage, let dry and then rinse. It is recommended for use twice a week

Recipe 04

Finally and indispensable in any hair loss treatment, the basil, which excellent properties help to increase the hair and to stop you hair loss f. Boil it in water and once cold filter it.Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and apply yourself in the problem area every night.

If your problem is hair loss, try my invention, a homemade hair loss treatment that STOP your hair loss in only 17 days.  Discover the formula CLICK HERE

Friday, May 27, 2011

Hair Los Treatment Topic : Homemade Shampoo of Olive oil and Aloe vera

In modern times, as part of the hair care  or complementing a hair loss treatment, the so called shampooes are used every day, and they are of different brands and with different elements, but the majority of commercial shampooes are alkaline and very harmful for the health of the hair.

Today we show you a domestic shampoo suitable for damaged and dry hair, in base to aloe vera and olive oil.

Fhoto :

Aloe or aloe vera and olive oil can give your hair shine and softness and especially health and strength .. For this reason, you should not stop thinking about preparing your own homemade shampoo using such ingredients. Just follow this recipe to succeed.

The homemade shampoo of olive oil and aloe vera is an excellent choice to give life to your hair. Simply dispose of the materials and put to work as it can be an excellent choice (and completely natural) to give your hair shine and nutrients.


• One-third cup of liquid soap type Castilla
• A teaspoon of olive oil
• Two teaspoons of aloe juice or aloe vera
• 15 grams of chamomile (can be replaced by rosemary)


To prepare this domestic shampoo simply you must arrange in the same flask all the ingredients,, stirring gently until blended completely.

Then you will no longer have to use the shampoo and when you do it with anyone else.
Note that to be all natural ingredients and no preservatives, The ideal thing is to prepare it in small proportions and to use it in the moment.

If your problem is hair loss, try my invention, a homemade hair loss treatment that STOP your hair loss in only 17 days.  Discover the formula CLICK HERE

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Strong & Healthy Hair

Men and women, we all want to look beautiful and healthy hair y and do our best to achieve this goal.
But for various reasons, men and women, sometimes inevitably begin to lose hair

Hair is a complex structure of root, stem, keratin and melanin
Root is the hair follicle which is a small slit in the skin tube that holds the root in the same way that a container holds soil, stem and root system of a plant. Each strand of hair has its own follicle. It also has a papilla: a small lump of tissue in a horseshoe shape that is at the base of the follicle. The outer layer is formed by a thin layer of cells that take the form of hair. Blood vessels provide nutrients for hair growth.

Why is hair loss?

The 100,000 to 150,000 hair follicles containing the scalp does not work at the same pace, some are in the anagen phase, and others are being finalized and the others are at rest, hence the importance of this process to achieve an understanding of the causes and effective treatment to reach

The causes are varied.
These are the main ones:

Poor nutrition

It is proven that a diet deficient in minerals, vitamins and protein is important cause for hair loss, although the symptoms of an inadequate diet are not felt immediately in the hair, needs a long time to see its effects this, once the reserves are depleted in the body.


Studies show that stress causes hair loss, hence the importance of avoiding emotional tension especially in people suffering from hair loss. Relaxation techniques to relieve stress and visualization are essential to rebut the damaging effects produced by emotional stress.

After menopause

After menopause, a woman’s ovaries stop producing estrogen. The lower rate of female hormones, comparatively, is equivalent to an increase in androgen production. As a result, it is common for women’s hair tends to thin, weaken and fall at this stage of life. The use of estrogen helps restore hormonal levels before menopause.

Damaged hair

The constant use of hair dryers, electric curlers, dyes, bleaches, prolonged exposure to sun, wind, sea water, chlorine in pools, and even bad hair hygiene are also causes direct thinning of hair, aggression and abuse are causes of loss.

Choosing the right shampoo for every hair type and washed frequently helps keep it healthy, shiny and easy to comb, conditioners are also effective, the freely dried with a towel and detangle with fingers only prevented from falling.

In some cases surgery is needed

When we are faced with a picture of alopecia androgenetic- common baldness in men- may resort to surgery, techniques of mini grafts and micro grafts consisting of hair transplant in groups of one to four hairs.

If your problem is hair loss, try my invention, a homemade hair loss treatment that STOP your hair loss in only 17 days.  Discover the formula CLICK HERE

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Peruvian “Ceviche” Original Recipe

The ceviche is a dish of Peruvian cuisine, whose main ingredients are: raw fish , lemon juice, sliced ​​raw onion and hot pepper very thin, over lettuce, corn and sweet potatoes that accompanied, no doubt because of the hot Arona dish called it "popular and fierce. " The ceviche can be also based on squid, shrimp, scallops and other shellfish

In the Peruvian folk literature documenting sevichito or derivatives or sibichi seviche sebichito and binge on food and ceviche is the sole or main dish. There are specialized cebicherías in Lima in the preparation and sale of this dish, and are advertised for sale cebicheras sources. By extension, called acebichada raw meat prepared with vinegar and other ingredients

Source Google Images



-  1 / 2 kilo white fish into pieces 1cm cubes
-  8 lemons
-  pepper to taste hot pepper or chili
-  1 large onion, preferably red
-  1 tsp salt
-  dash pepper
-  1 clove garlic, crushed at the time
-  a few sprigs of coriander or cilantro, minced


Previously Wash and drain the raw fish, place in a container glass. Add the juice of 8 lemons, salt, pepper, garlic ground, and hot pepper or chili in tiny squares to taste remove all the fish with all this juice and place it carefully everything on a platter and decorate top with the onion washed and cut pen (long and thin) and sprinkle over the coriander or cilantro
chopped very small. 

Ready to serve. Serve with potatoes boiled ,yellow corn (maize cobs) and sweet potatoes

Article courtesy of  Hair Loss Natural

Friday, May 20, 2011

Menopause and Hair Loss

Some women need a hair loss treatment from the 50 and sometimes earlier.

Menopause is synonymous with hormonal changes, but unlike adolescence in which everything evolves, everything devolves into menopause.

Consult women alike for hair loss that sometimes uncomfortable for aesthetic reasons, "the hormonal changes experienced by the female at 50 years with the onset of menopause are reflected in her hair. "

Hormonal changes that women face after 50 years, "causing a progressive thinning of the hair follicles, both front and above, which are fragility, thin and hair loss. In addition, by decreasing levels of melanin, appear gray. "

Fhoto : photostock's

Some women also develop a pattern of particular hair loss due to genetics, age and male hormones that tend to increase in women after menopause

Other consequences of menopause are presented in cell renewal and sebaceous gland activity, which become slower and cause the scalp and hair to dry with the usual loss of density and elasticity.

Moreover, "the oxygenation and external harmful agents over time make your hair lose motion, brightness and life" and therefore recommended "care, treatment and stained with specific products for a long life. "

other consequences of menopause are presented in cell renewal and in the degree of loss during menopause may also depend on other factors such as heredity, diet type, the dyes which has been submitted, stress, care that has received hair, etc.

A Treatment hair loss may be a change in the daily diet such as eating more apples, soy and wheat products. Vitamin supplements, minerals, especially vitamin E and iron.

If your problem is hair loss, try my invention, a homemade hair loss treatment that STOP your hair loss in only 17 days.  Discover the formula CLICK HERE

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hair Care with Avocado Fruit

With avocado you can get silky, shiny hair. For its vitamins and antioxidant power, the avocado allows a deep hydration of the hairy leather and grants luminosity to the hair, protecting and repairing the capillary fibers, preventing them from falling It is a hair loss treatment, too.

The avocado is a thousand-year-old fruit which origin goes back in Central America and Mexico (the country where it gets its name derived from avocado)

In general, one could say that avocado can sit well in any type of hair, but mostly dry hair. Its salutary effect on the capillary is mainly due to their generous and rich natural oils, plus excellent vitamins.

The avocado favors the formation of collagen naturally, besides being a great conditioner for both hair and skin. Its consistency makes it easy to incorporate into homemade preparations.

The cosmetics industry is increasingly believed in the benefits of nature and to integrate their products to provide solutions for more hydrated hair or anti-aging formulas.

The countless nutritional benefits that are attributed to the avocado, and its high content of vitamins (A, C, D, B6 and E), water, fiber and minerals, have earned it recognition in the cosmetics industry, which incorporates every again in their formulations, extracts and natural flavors. The avocado is gaining popularity among beauty experts and is being used increasingly in formulas for the care of skin and hair.

These are some of its main components

Vitamin E

A potent antioxidant, an antioxidant that protects body tissue from damage caused by unstable substances called free radicals. These radicals can damage cells, tissues and organs and play an important role in certain conditions associated with aging.

Vitamin C

Is required for growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body. It is necessary to form collagen, an important protein used to make skin, scar tissue, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels. Vitamin C is essential for wound healing and repair and maintenance of cartilage, bones and teeth. Stimulates the smoothness and brightness of the face.

Vitamin A

Helps keep skin in good condition and is useful in treating certain diseases that affect as acnes, psoriasis, stains caused by the sun, etc. A deficiency of vitamin A can cause dry skin. Promotes healing.


Functions as an antioxidant similar to vitamin E.
The pulp of the avocado and its oil are useful for skin and hair on four main areas: as a soothing, healing, moisturizing and anti-wrinkle.

Avocado Homemade Mask


- 1 avocado (previously crushed)
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 egg yolk


Soak the hair with warm water. Use your fingertips to massage the scalp. In a bag put the mashed avocado, egg yolk and a tablespoon of olive oil. Mix vigorously.

Spread the mixture all over the scalp and hair from the middle to the ends, massaging it with a motion from top to bottom, so the avocado penetrate more easily.

Place a plastic cap to avoid get dirty and adds warmth to the entire area with a hand dryer. Leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.

This mask is ideal for all hair types. If you have fat root, apply half of the hair to the tips. Ideally, use it every 15 days

If your problem is hair loss, try my invention, a homemade hair loss treatment that STOP your hair loss in only 17 days.  Discover the formula CLICK HERE