Friday, November 9, 2012

Avocado as a Treatment for Hair Loss

Hair Loss Treatment

Tips, tricks, Recipes and more...

Welcome to "Natural Hair Loss Solution"

 I am Luis Quiroz Ravines, Peruvian journalist, specializing in Natural Health. I Myself  cured of an incurable disease and to help the poor children of my people I created many natural health products that attempt to sell online.

 The first is a lotion, truly a "hair loss treatment " which stops hair loss in just two weeks. You can see my photograph 4 years before and 4 years later  CLICK HERE

In the near future I hope to publish my ebooks on Amazon:

Fibromyalgia .. How I cured myself
Allergies .. How I cured myself
Enlarged prostate
- How I cured myself
Foot fungus ... How I cured myself
Constipation . How I cured myself
Vibrant health .. My 7 super natural secrets
Natural health ... My super breakfast daily

The Planet is Wonderful  
Enjoy It


Thougt for the Day

"Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be" - Zig Ziglar
If your hair looks dull, fragile, weak and brittle, due to excessive heat and dyes, it is necessary to nourish it every fifteen days, at depth.

The following homemade recipe, simple and cheap will help you recover health and beauty to your hair from root to tips. the base is the “palta” also known as avocado; This fruit is an important source of necessary vitamins for hair such as vitamins A, B6, E, and C, as well as minerals and essential oils.
Every day, the avocado, is used more in cosmetics for its restorative capacity and antioxidant properties very beneficial for the skin and hair. Of the more than 500 varieties of avocado, for its creaminess, the Hass variety is best suited for hair, especially dry and damaged hair. Even now there are shampoos based on extracts of avocado
The avocado is native of Mexico and Central America and was known 7000 years before Christ. With the arrival of the Spanish, the avocado was taken to Europe and from there it spread worldwide.
The avocado acts as a powerful revitalizing and natural moisturizer for the skin and hair, especially dry hair, lifeless and dull, and is a hair treatment very cheap and in some cases with dramatic results.
 To confer to the hair, shine, smoothness and remove dandruff, the seed is crushed and mixed with castor oil, then applied to the hair and allowed to act for 20 minutes, finally rinse hair thoroughly with water, if it is possible slightly warm.
Revitalizing avocado mask
You will need
-Half of an avocado
-Egg yolk
-1 spoonful of olive oil
In a blender or mixer, beat the avocado, egg yolk and olive oil until integrate all ingredients very well.
Evenly apply the cream of avocado on the scalp, strengthening  the tips
Allow to act for 20 minutes and cover your head with a towel and if you want to apply heat with dryer
Rinse very well with your usual shampoo and water.
Repeat treatment every week or every two weeks and enjoy a soft, shiny and healthy hair
If your problem is hair loss, don't wait for a complete baldness and ruin your image, stop hair loss NOW with my home treatment that really works. I'm proof see my pictures 4 years before and 4 years later. Click HERE


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Massage you scalp regularly for the circulation and it is important to follow a high protein Vitamin E and Vitamin D diet. To prevent the breakage brush your hair starting at the bottom and should get a dead-end trimming.

    hair loss treatment

  3. Avocado as a Toronto hair restoration treatment? What an amazing idea, Luis! I also don't want to wait for a complete baldness and ruin my image and that's why I will definitely try your home remedy. Maybe, it will work great for me as well!:D Can't wait to have a healthy and beautiful hair again!
