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Wednesday, January 29, 2014
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Sunday, January 26, 2014
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By PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines
Since the time of Cleopatra essential oils have been used to cure various diseases and among them to stop hair loss. These aromatic compounds have been used topically, cold, hot, as oil massages or inhaled with steam.
Flowers, leaves and barks to stop hair loss
Aromatherapy oils are concentrated extracts extracted from leaves, flowers and barks, even the roots of plants. They are the essence of plant life and for hundreds of years they have been helpful to stop hair loss and to relieve numerous ailments, but so far there were no scientific studies which support these healing properties.
Revolutionary study reveals how aromatherapy can stop hair loss
Researchers in Aberdeen Royal in Scotland, led by Dr. Isabelle C. applied for 6 months, aromatherapy to a group of 86 people with alopecia areata and the results were encouraging. About 44% of the patients who used various essential oils were markedly improved relative to the placebo group.
The scientists applied massage with a mixture of several essential oils: 2 drops of cedarwood, 3 drops of lavender, 3 drops of Rosemary, 2 drops of thyme in half teaspoon of jojoba oil and 4 tablespoons of grape seed oil. To improve absorption, was placed a hot towel around the head of each patient. With photographs is was following the process of improvement of each patient.
Stop hair loss with essential oils
In conclusion the application of aromatherapy was established as a safe and effective treatment to stop hair loss and promote new hair growth in cases of alopecia areata. One of the patients with male pattern baldness and alopecia areata evidenced a remarkable hair growth with this almost free of side effects and low cost method.
The study was published in the "Archives of Dermatology." And it opens a door of hope to those who suffer from alopecia and looking for a natural treatment to stop hair loss. However research in relation to aromatherapy and solution to hair loss has recently started. But parallel to aromatherapy or any other treatment, if you want better results, you must be persistent, reduce stress and improve your nutrition
Main essential oil to stop hair loss
grape seed
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Wednesday, January 15, 2014
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Evgeni Dinev -freedigitalphotos
In three million years the atmosphere has accumulated the most high concentration of carbon dioxide, more than 400 parts per million, indicating that the Earth moves towards its total destruction, if
right now we not implement drastic and radical measures to prevent the final
collapse: disappearance of humanity
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Act NOW..
Friday, January 10, 2014
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By PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines
This aromatic herb from the Mediterranean was used by the Greeks to ward off evil spirits and American tribes to stop hair loss. The Egyptians placed it on their tombstones and in the Middle Ages was used to combat the bubonic plague.
In modern times the Rosemary is widely used in treatments to stop hair loss and to communicate shine and softness to the hair. This plant is rich in vitamin A, C, iron, and vitamins of the complex B.
Stop Hair Loss With Rosemary – options
Hair loss occurs due to various causes, one of them to the natural process of follicles which increasingly produce finer hair
Although not exactly known as rosemary acts to stop hair loss, its irritating feature strongly stimulates the blood supply to the scalp, and promotes hair growth. There are several options for using rosemary as a treatment to stop hair loss
SAVE The Planet
By Evgeni Dinev - freedigitalphotos
There are several options to use Rosemary as a treatment to stop hair loss.
Daily shampoo to stop hair loss
You can nurture your hair daily adding rosemary oil to your hair conditioner or best to shampoo that uses every day. For every ounce of shampoo, add 2 drops of Rosemary oil.
You can also use fresh or dried rosemary leaves to prepare a lotion for daily use. In a proper storage place quarter gallon of water and add two handfuls of fresh or dried rosemary leaves. Bring water to boil for 4 - 5 minutes and cool. Let stand about 5 hours, strain and put in dark bottle infusion and store in the refrigerator.
To prepare Rosemary shampoo mix quarter Cup of Rosemary infused with a cup of liquid Castile soap or with your regular shampoo and use as usual. Daily use of this shampoo stops hair loss and promotes hair growth.
Stop hair loss with hot oil of rosemary
Once or twice a week apply rosemary hot oil to your scalp. To prepare this oil, to 3 tablespoons jojoba oil add five drops of rosemary oil. Mix both oils and place in a glass jar with lid. In a tank of boiling water place the jar until moderately hot oil. Apply with fingers hot oil on the scalp and make gentle massage. Also apply hot oil along the hair to the ends.
Cover hair with a plastic shower cap or any plastic and top cover with damp hot towel. When cool back
Friday, January 3, 2014
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By PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines
Apple is as old as mankind and so healthy that rightly was coined the phrase: a daily apple away the doctor of house and apparently also to male pattern baldness.
The skin of the apple contains powerful phytochemicals and polyphenols, including antioxidants such as resveratrol discovered a few years ago and is now used extensively in various compounds to rejuvenate the skin and hair. Surprisingly the most valuable and natural healing compounds found in the seeds, but particularly in shell or skin of apples and if they are tender and green , the better.
Male pattern baldness can be cured as it reveals a study
This news has revolutionized the community facing hair problems. Japanese researchers in early studies proved that male pattern baldness can be overcome with a safe and natural polyphenol found in the Apple.
In a first study, applied to 29 men with male pattern baldness problems a topical solution of procyanidin from Apple for six months.
At the end of the study it was observed significant growth of hair much greater than the placebo group or control. Men with male pattern baldness, increased number of Terminal hair
A second study was initiated with 21 men with male pattern baldness and topical treatment applied to them for twelve months. The result was surprising: 71% of the individuals involved showed a greater number of hair and non-vellus hairs which are 1 to 2 cm and never produce long hair, as do the Terminal hair follicles.
The apple procyanidin can be a potential cure for male pattern baldness
A third study showed that 29 men with male pattern baldness under four months to the procyanidin therapy exhibited hair thicker and abundant even in a 78.9% compared to the placebo group, which means a possible solution to male pattern baldness
Procyanidins of apple far superior to Minoxidil
For treatment of male pattern baldness and hair growth promoters, the Apple procyanidin proved to be up to 200% more effective than Minoxidil, even more potent than the extracts of seeds and grape skins.
Procyanidins promote hair growth in men with male pattern baldness
For millions of men with male pattern baldness, fine hair and hair loss, procyanidins of apples can be a true gift of nature, safe, effective, and without side effects
SAVE the Planet
By By noppasinw -freedigitalphotos
Young or very young Green apples are which provide greater amount of procyanidins B-2 and is located in the skin or shell of these