Hair Loss Treatment
Tips, tricks, Recipes and more...
Welcome to "Natural
Hair Loss Solution"
I am Luis Quiroz Ravines, Peruvian journalist,
specializing in Natural Health. I Myself
cured of an incurable disease and to help the poor children of my people
I created many natural health products that attempt to sell online. The first
is a lotion, truly a "hair loss
treatment " which stops hair loss in just two weeks.
You can see my photograph 4 years before and 4 years later CLICK HERE
In the near future I hope to publish my ebooks on Amazon:
In the near future I hope to publish my ebooks on Amazon:
Fibromyalgia .. How I
cured myself
Allergies .. How I cured myself
Enlarged prostate- How I cured myself
Foot fungus ... How I cured myself
Constipation . How I cured myself
Vibrant health .. My 7 super natural secrets
Natural health ... My super breakfast daily
Allergies .. How I cured myself
Enlarged prostate- How I cured myself
Foot fungus ... How I cured myself
Constipation . How I cured myself
Vibrant health .. My 7 super natural secrets
Natural health ... My super breakfast daily
The Planet is Wonderful
Enjoy It
Nick Coombs's- freedigitalphotos
The Planet is Wonderful
Enjoy It
Enjoy It
Thought for the Day
"It is
the satisfaction of doing it for yourself and motivating others to work with
you in bringing it out. It is about the fun, innovation, creativity with the
rewards being far greater than purely financial.” Richard Branson
hair, My
Mother's Recipe
Shiny hair, My Mother's Recipe
My mother had a strong, healthy, very long and very bright hair,
her friends really admired her hair. What
was her secret? Only the daily
use of a homemade rinse and a rational and healthy diet.
My mother lived for 90 years, and in her time and in the small town
where she lived there were not beauty products such as creams,
shampoos or conditioners. Somehow the lack of modern chemicals, the most
damaging to the hair, by its high PH, they forced the use of plants and natural
Her routine to care
for her hair was simple, used the fruit of certain plant called "camp soap" to wash her hair and finally a natural rinsing
of Rosemary, which was a real beauty treatment, as communicating her hair an
intense brightness and smoothness
For healing, magic and gastronomical purposes Rosemary
has been used since ancient
times and for therapeutic purposes is used to combat
colds and sinusitis and to increase circulation and improve memory.
It is also used as
a treatment for hair loss and to relieve rheumatic pains.
Recipe for shiny hair
You will need
- Water, sufficient quantity
- Boil 10 - 15 minutes
- Cool and strain
as final rinse, apply on the scalp the boiled water
of Rosemary, do not rinse your hair after this application of Rosemary
your problem is hair loss, thinning hair or damaged hair, try my homemade lotion,
easy and effective, which stops hair loss in just two weeks. See my pictures 4
years before and 4 years later. click HERE